Source code for bbarchivist.utilities

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""This module is used for miscellaneous utilities."""

import glob  # cap grabbing
import hashlib  # base url creation
import itertools  # spinners gonna spin
import os  # path work
import platform  # platform info
import subprocess  # loader verification
import sys  # streams, version info
import threading  # get thread for spinner
import time  # spinner delay

from bbarchivist import bbconstants  # cap location, version, filename bits
from bbarchivist import compat  # backwards compat
from bbarchivist import dummy  # useless stdout
from bbarchivist import exceptions  # exceptions
from bbarchivist import iniconfig  # config parsing

__author__ = "Thurask"
__license__ = "WTFPL v2"
__copyright__ = "2015-2018 Thurask"

[docs]def grab_datafile(datafile): """ Figure out where a datafile is. :param datafile: Datafile to check. :type datafile: bbconstants.Datafile """ try: afile = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), datafile.filename))[0] except IndexError: afile = datafile.location if == "cfp" else grab_capini(datafile) return os.path.abspath(afile)
[docs]def grab_capini(datafile): """ Get cap location from .ini file, and write if it's new. :param datafile: Datafile to check. :type datafile: bbconstants.Datafile """ try: apath = cappath_config_loader() afile = glob.glob(apath)[0] except IndexError: cappath_config_writer(datafile.location) return bbconstants.CAP.location # no ini cap else: cappath_config_writer(os.path.abspath(afile)) return os.path.abspath(afile) # ini cap
[docs]def grab_cap(): """ Figure out where cap is, local, specified or system-supplied. """ return grab_datafile(bbconstants.CAP)
[docs]def grab_cfp(): """ Figure out where cfp is, local or system-supplied. """ return grab_datafile(bbconstants.CFP)
[docs]def new_enough(minver): """ Check if we're at or above a minimum Python version. :param minver: Minimum Python version (3.minver). :type minver: int """ return False if minver > sys.version_info[1] else True
[docs]def dirhandler(directory, defaultdir): """ If directory is None, turn it into defaultdir. :param directory: Target directory. :type directory: str :param defaultdir: Default directory. :type defaultdir: str """ directory = defaultdir if directory is None else directory return directory
[docs]def fsizer(file_size): """ Raw byte file size to human-readable string. :param file_size: Number to parse. :type file_size: float """ fsize = prep_filesize(file_size) for sfix in ['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB']: if fsize < 1024.0: size = "{0:3.2f}{1}".format(fsize, sfix) break else: fsize /= 1024.0 else: size = "{0:3.2f}{1}".format(fsize, 'YB') return size
[docs]def prep_filesize(file_size): """ Convert file size to float. :param file_size: Number to parse. :type file_size: float """ if file_size is None: file_size = 0.0 fsize = float(file_size) return fsize
[docs]def s2b(input_check): """ Return Boolean interpretation of string input. :param input_check: String to check if it means True or False. :type input_check: str """ return str(input_check).lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1", "y")
[docs]def i2b(input_check): """ Return Boolean interpretation of typed input. :param input_check: Query to feed into input function. :type input_check: str """ return s2b(input(input_check))
[docs]def is_amd64(): """ Check if script is running on an AMD64 system (Python can be 32/64, this is for subprocess) """ return platform.machine().endswith("64")
[docs]def is_windows(): """ Check if script is running on Windows. """ return platform.system() == "Windows"
[docs]def talkaprint(msg, talkative=False): """ Print only if asked to. :param msg: Message to print. :type msg: str :param talkative: Whether to output to screen. False by default. :type talkative: bool """ if talkative: print(msg)
[docs]def get_seven_zip(talkative=False): """ Return name of 7-Zip executable. On POSIX, it MUST be 7za. On Windows, it can be installed or supplied with the script. :func:`win_seven_zip` is used to determine if it's installed. :param talkative: Whether to output to screen. False by default. :type talkative: bool """ return win_seven_zip(talkative) if is_windows() else "7za"
[docs]def win_seven_zip(talkative=False): """ For Windows, check where 7-Zip is ("where", pretty much). Consult registry first for any installed instances of 7-Zip. :param talkative: Whether to output to screen. False by default. :type talkative: bool """ talkaprint("CHECKING INSTALLED FILES...", talkative) try: path = wsz_registry() except OSError as exc: if talkative: exceptions.handle_exception(exc, xit=None) talkaprint("TRYING LOCAL FILES...", talkative) return win_seven_zip_local(talkative) else: talkaprint("7ZIP USING INSTALLED FILES", talkative) return '"{0}"'.format(os.path.join(path[0], "7z.exe"))
[docs]def wsz_registry(): """ Check Windows registry for 7-Zip executable location. """ import winreg # windows registry hk7z = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\7-Zip") path = winreg.QueryValueEx(hk7z, "Path") return path
[docs]def win_seven_zip_local(talkative=False): """ If 7-Zip isn't in the registry, fall back onto supplied executables. If *those* aren't there, return "error". :param talkative: Whether to output to screen. False by default. :type talkative: bool """ filecount = wsz_filecount() if filecount == 2: szexe = wsz_local_good(talkative) else: szexe = wsz_local_bad(talkative) return szexe
[docs]def wsz_filecount(): """ Get count of 7-Zip executables in local folder. """ filecount = len([x for x in os.listdir(os.getcwd()) if x in ["7za.exe", "7za64.exe"]]) return filecount
[docs]def wsz_local_good(talkative=False): """ Get 7-Zip exe name if everything is good. :param talkative: Whether to output to screen. False by default. :type talkative: bool """ talkaprint("7ZIP USING LOCAL FILES", talkative) szexe = "7za64.exe" if is_amd64() else "7za.exe" return szexe
[docs]def wsz_local_bad(talkative=False): """ Handle 7-Zip exe name in case of issues. :param talkative: Whether to output to screen. False by default. :type talkative: bool """ talkaprint("NO LOCAL FILES", talkative) szexe = "error" return szexe
[docs]def get_core_count(): """ Find out how many CPU cores this system has. """ try: cores = str(compat.enum_cpus()) # 3.4 and up except NotImplementedError: cores = "1" # 3.2-3.3 else: if compat.enum_cpus() is None: cores = "1" return cores
[docs]def prep_seven_zip_path(path, talkative=False): """ Print p7zip path on POSIX, or notify if not there. :param path: Path to use. :type path: str :param talkative: Whether to output to screen. False by default. :type talkative: bool """ if path is None: talkaprint("NO 7ZIP\nPLEASE INSTALL p7zip", talkative) sentinel = False else: talkaprint("7ZIP FOUND AT {0}".format(path), talkative) sentinel = True return sentinel
[docs]def prep_seven_zip_posix(talkative=False): """ Check for p7zip on POSIX. :param talkative: Whether to output to screen. False by default. :type talkative: bool """ try: path = compat.where_which("7za") except ImportError: talkaprint("PLEASE INSTALL SHUTILWHICH WITH PIP", talkative) return False else: return prep_seven_zip_path(path, talkative)
[docs]def prep_seven_zip(talkative=False): """ Check for presence of 7-Zip. On POSIX, check for p7zip. On Windows, check for 7-Zip. :param talkative: Whether to output to screen. False by default. :type talkative: bool """ if is_windows(): final = get_seven_zip(talkative) != "error" else: final = prep_seven_zip_posix(talkative) return final
[docs]def increment(version, inc=3): """ Increment version by given number. For repeated lookups. :param version: w.x.y.ZZZZ, becomes w.x.y.(ZZZZ + increment). :type version: str :param inc: What to increment by. Default is 3. :type inc: str """ splitos = version.split(".") splitos[3] = int(splitos[3]) if splitos[3] > 9996: # prevent overflow splitos[3] = 0 splitos[3] += int(inc) splitos[3] = str(splitos[3]) return ".".join(splitos)
[docs]def stripper(name): """ Strip fluff from bar filename. :param name: Bar filename, must contain ''. :type name: str """ return name.replace("", "")
[docs]def create_base_url(softwareversion): """ Make the root URL for production server files. :param softwareversion: Software version to hash. :type softwareversion: str """ # Hash software version swhash = hashlib.sha1(softwareversion.encode('utf-8')) hashedsoftwareversion = swhash.hexdigest() # Root of all urls baseurl = "{0}".format(hashedsoftwareversion) return baseurl
[docs]def format_app_name(appname): """ Convert long reverse DNS name to short name. :param appname: Application name (ex. sys.pim.calendar -> "calendar") :type appname: str """ final = appname.split(".")[-1] return final
[docs]def create_bar_url(softwareversion, appname, appversion, clean=False): """ Make the URL for any production server file. :param softwareversion: Software version to hash. :type softwareversion: str :param appname: Application name, preferably like on server. :type appname: str :param appversion: Application version. :type appversion: str :param clean: Whether or not to clean up app name. Default is False. :type clean: bool """ baseurl = create_base_url(softwareversion) if clean: appname = format_app_name(appname) return "{0}/{1}-{2}".format(baseurl, appname, appversion)
[docs]def generate_urls(softwareversion, osversion, radioversion, core=False): """ Generate a list of OS URLs and a list of radio URLs based on input. :param softwareversion: Software version to hash. :type softwareversion: str :param osversion: OS version. :type osversion: str :param radioversion: Radio version. :type radioversion: str :param core: Whether or not to return core URLs as well. :type core: bool """ osurls = [ create_bar_url(softwareversion, "winchester.factory_sfi.desktop", osversion), create_bar_url(softwareversion, "qc8960.factory_sfi.desktop", osversion), create_bar_url(softwareversion, "qc8960.factory_sfi.desktop", osversion), create_bar_url(softwareversion, "qc8974.factory_sfi.desktop", osversion) ] radiourls = [ create_bar_url(softwareversion, "m5730", radioversion), create_bar_url(softwareversion, "qc8960", radioversion), create_bar_url(softwareversion, "qc8960.omadm", radioversion), create_bar_url(softwareversion, "qc8960.wtr", radioversion), create_bar_url(softwareversion, "qc8960.wtr5", radioversion), create_bar_url(softwareversion, "qc8930.wtr5", radioversion), create_bar_url(softwareversion, "qc8974.wtr2", radioversion) ] coreurls = [] osurls, radiourls = filter_urls(osurls, radiourls, osversion) if core: coreurls = [x.replace(".desktop", "") for x in osurls] return osurls, radiourls, coreurls
[docs]def newer_103(splitos, third): """ Return True if given split OS version is 10.3.X or newer. :param splitos: OS version, split on the dots: [10, 3, 3, 2205] :type: list(int) :param third: The X in 10.3.X. :type third: int """ newer = True if ((splitos[1] >= 4) or (splitos[1] == 3 and splitos[2] >= third)) else False return newer
[docs]def filter_urls(osurls, radiourls, osversion): """ Filter lists of OS and radio URLs. :param osurls: List of OS URLs. :type osurls: list(str) :param radiourls: List of radio URLs. :type radiourls: list(str) :param osversion: OS version. :type osversion: str """ splitos = [int(i) for i in osversion.split(".")] osurls[2] = filter_1031(osurls[2], splitos, 5) # Z3 10.3.1+ osurls[3] = filter_1031(osurls[3], splitos, 6) # Passport 10.3.1+ osurls, radiourls = pop_stl1(osurls, radiourls, splitos) # STL100-1 10.3.3+ return osurls, radiourls
[docs]def filter_1031(osurl, splitos, device): """ Modify URLs to reflect changes in 10.3.1. :param osurl: OS URL to modify. :type osurl: str :param splitos: OS version, split and cast to int: [10, 3, 2, 2876] :type splitos: list(int) :param device: Device to use. :type device: int """ if newer_103(splitos, 1): filterdict = {5: ("qc8960.factory_sfi", "qc8960.factory_sfi_hybrid_qc8x30"), 6: ("qc8974.factory_sfi", "qc8960.factory_sfi_hybrid_qc8974")} osurl = filter_osversion(osurl, device, filterdict) return osurl
[docs]def pop_stl1(osurls, radiourls, splitos): """ Replace STL100-1 links in 10.3.3+. :param osurls: List of OS platforms. :type osurls: list(str) :param radiourls: List of radio platforms. :type radiourls: list(str) :param splitos: OS version, split and cast to int: [10, 3, 3, 2205] :type splitos: list(int) """ if newer_103(splitos, 3): osurls = osurls[1:] radiourls = radiourls[1:] return osurls, radiourls
[docs]def filter_osversion(osurl, device, filterdict): """ Modify URLs based on device index and dictionary of changes. :param osurl: OS URL to modify. :type osurl: str :param device: Device to use. :type device: int :param filterdict: Dictionary of changes: {device : (before, after)} :type filterdict: dict(int:(str, str)) """ if device in filterdict.keys(): osurl = osurl.replace(filterdict[device][0], filterdict[device][1]) return osurl
[docs]def generate_lazy_urls(softwareversion, osversion, radioversion, device): """ Generate a pair of OS/radio URLs based on input. :param softwareversion: Software version to hash. :type softwareversion: str :param osversion: OS version. :type osversion: str :param radioversion: Radio version. :type radioversion: str :param device: Device to use. :type device: int """ splitos = [int(i) for i in osversion.split(".")] rads = ["m5730", "qc8960", "qc8960.omadm", "qc8960.wtr", "qc8960.wtr5", "qc8930.wtr4", "qc8974.wtr2"] oses = ["winchester.factory", "qc8960.factory", "qc8960.verizon", "qc8974.factory"] maps = {0:0, 1:1, 2:2, 3:1, 4:1, 5:1, 6:3} osurl = create_bar_url(softwareversion, "{0}_sfi.desktop".format(oses[maps[device]]), osversion) radiourl = create_bar_url(softwareversion, rads[device], radioversion) osurl = filter_1031(osurl, splitos, device) return osurl, radiourl
[docs]def bulk_urls(softwareversion, osversion, radioversion, core=False, altsw=None): """ Generate all URLs, plus extra Verizon URLs. :param softwareversion: Software version to hash. :type softwareversion: str :param osversion: OS version. :type osversion: str :param radioversion: Radio version. :type radioversion: str :param device: Device to use. :type device: int :param core: Whether or not to return core URLs as well. :type core: bool :param altsw: Radio software release, if not the same as OS. :type altsw: str """ baseurl = create_base_url(softwareversion) osurls, radurls, coreurls = generate_urls(softwareversion, osversion, radioversion, core) vzwos, vzwrad = generate_lazy_urls(softwareversion, osversion, radioversion, 2) osurls.append(vzwos) radurls.append(vzwrad) vzwcore = vzwos.replace("sfi.desktop", "sfi") if core: coreurls.append(vzwcore) osurls = list(set(osurls)) # pop duplicates radurls = list(set(radurls)) if core: coreurls = list(set(coreurls)) radurls = bulk_urls_altsw(radurls, baseurl, altsw) return osurls, coreurls, radurls
[docs]def bulk_urls_altsw(radurls, baseurl, altsw=None): """ Handle alternate software release for radio. :param radurls: List of radio URLs. :type radurls: list(str) :param baseurl: Base URL (from http to hashed SW release). :type baseurl: str :param altsw: Radio software release, if not the same as OS. :type altsw: str """ if altsw is not None: altbase = create_base_url(altsw) radiourls2 = [rad.replace(baseurl, altbase) for rad in radurls] radurls = radiourls2 del radiourls2 return radurls
[docs]def line_begin(): """ Go to beginning of line, to overwrite whatever's there. """ sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
[docs]def spinner_clear(): """ Get rid of any spinner residue left in stdout. """ sys.stdout.write("\b \b") sys.stdout.flush()
[docs]class Spinner(object): """ A basic spinner using itertools. No need for progress. """ def __init__(self): """ Generate the itertools wheel. """ self.wheel = itertools.cycle(['-', '/', '|', '\\']) self.file = dummy.UselessStdout()
[docs] def after(self): """ Iterate over itertools.cycle, write to file. """ try: self.file.write(next(self.wheel)) self.file.flush() self.file.write("\b\r") self.file.flush() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): self.stop()
[docs] def stop(self): """ Kill output. """ self.file = dummy.UselessStdout()
[docs]class SpinManager(object): """ Wraps around the itertools spinner, runs it in another thread. """ def __init__(self): """ Start the spinner thread. """ spinner = Spinner() self.spinner = spinner self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.loop, args=()) self.thread.daemon = True self.scanning = False self.spinner.file = dummy.UselessStdout()
[docs] def start(self): """ Begin the spinner. """ self.spinner.file = sys.stderr self.scanning = True self.thread.start()
[docs] def loop(self): """ Spin if scanning, clean up if not. """ while self.scanning: time.sleep(0.5) try: line_begin() self.spinner.after() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): self.scanning = False self.stop()
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop the spinner. """ self.spinner.stop() self.scanning = False spinner_clear() line_begin() if not is_windows(): print("\n")
[docs]def return_and_delete(target): """ Read text file, then delete it. Return contents. :param target: Text file to read. :type target: str """ with open(target, "r") as thefile: content = os.remove(target) return content
[docs]def verify_loader_integrity(loaderfile): """ Test for created loader integrity. Windows-only. :param loaderfile: Path to loader. :type loaderfile: str """ if not is_windows(): pass else: excode = None try: with open(os.devnull, 'rb') as dnull: cmd = "{0} fileinfo".format(loaderfile) excode =, stdout=dnull, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except OSError: excode = -1 return excode == 0 # 0 if OK, non-zero if something broke
[docs]def bulkfilter_printer(afile): """ Print filename and verify a loader file. :param afile: Path to file. :type afile: str """ print("TESTING: {0}".format(os.path.basename(afile))) if not verify_loader_integrity(afile): return os.path.basename(afile)
[docs]def bulkfilter(files): """ Verify all loader files in a given list. :param files: List of files. :type files: list(str) """ brokens = [bulkfilter_printer(file) for file in files if prepends(os.path.basename(file), bbconstants.PREFIXES, ".exe")] return brokens
[docs]def verify_bulk_loaders(ldir): """ Run :func:`verify_loader_integrity` for all files in a dir. :param ldir: Directory to use. :type ldir: str """ if not is_windows(): pass else: files = verify_bulk_loaders_filefilter(ldir) brokens = verify_bulk_loaders_brokens(files) return brokens
[docs]def verify_bulk_loaders_filefilter(ldir): """ Prepare file names for :func:`verify_bulk_loaders`. :param ldir: Directory to use. :type ldir: str """ files = [os.path.join(ldir, file) for file in os.listdir(ldir) if not os.path.isdir(file)] return files
[docs]def verify_bulk_loaders_brokens(files): """ Prepare filtered file list for :func:`verify_bulk_loaders`. :param files: List of files. :type files: list(str) """ brokens = [file for file in bulkfilter(files) if file] return brokens
[docs]def list_workers(input_data, workerlimit): """ Count number of threads, either length of iterable or provided limit. :param input_data: Input data, some iterable. :type input_data: list :param workerlimit: Maximum number of workers. :type workerlimit: int """ runners = len(input_data) if len(input_data) < workerlimit else workerlimit return runners
[docs]def cpu_workers(input_data): """ Count number of CPU workers, smaller of number of threads and length of data. :param input_data: Input data, some iterable. :type input_data: list """ return list_workers(input_data, compat.enum_cpus())
[docs]def prep_logfile(): """ Prepare log file, labeling it with current date. Select folder based on frozen status. """ logfile = "{0}.txt".format(time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H%M%S")) basefolder = prep_logfile_folder() record = os.path.join(basefolder, logfile) open(record, "w").close() return record
[docs]def prep_logfile_folder(): """ Prepare folder to write log file to. """ if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): basefolder = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "lookuplogs") os.makedirs(basefolder, exist_ok=True) else: basefolder = iniconfig.config_homepath(None, True) return basefolder
[docs]def prepends(file, pre, suf): """ Check if filename starts with/ends with stuff. :param file: File to check. :type file: str :param pre: Prefix(es) to check. :type pre: str or list or tuple :param suf: Suffix(es) to check. :type suf: str or list or tuple """ return file.startswith(pre) and file.endswith(suf)
[docs]def lprint(iterable): """ A oneliner for 'for item in x: print item'. :param iterable: Iterable to print. :type iterable: list/tuple """ for item in iterable: print(item)
[docs]def cappath_config_loader(homepath=None): """ Read a ConfigParser file to get cap preferences. :param homepath: Folder containing ini file. Default is user directory. :type homepath: str """ capini = iniconfig.generic_loader('cappath', homepath) cappath = capini.get('path', fallback=bbconstants.CAP.location) return cappath
[docs]def cappath_config_writer(cappath=None, homepath=None): """ Write a ConfigParser file to store cap preferences. :param cappath: Method to use. :type cappath: str :param homepath: Folder containing ini file. Default is user directory. :type homepath: str """ cappath = grab_cap() if cappath is None else cappath results = {"path": cappath} iniconfig.generic_writer("cappath", results, homepath)
[docs]def one_and_none(first, second): """ Check if one element in a pair is None and one isn't. :param first: To return True, this must be None. :type first: str :param second: To return True, this mustbe false. :type second: str """ sentinel = True if first is None and second is not None else False return sentinel
[docs]def def_args(dirs): """ Return prepared argument list for most instances of :func:`cond_check:`. :param dirs: List of directories. :type dirs: list(str) """ return [dirs[4], dirs[5], dirs[2], dirs[3]]
[docs]def cond_do(dofunc, goargs, restargs=None, condition=True): """ Do a function, check a condition, then do same function but swap first argument. :param dofunc: Function to do. :type dofunc: function :param goargs: List of variable arguments. :type goargs: list(str) :param restargs: Rest of arguments, which are constant. :type restargs: list(str) :param condition: Condition to check in order to use secondarg. :type condition: bool """ restargs = [] if restargs is None else restargs dofunc(goargs[0], *restargs) if condition: dofunc(goargs[1], *restargs)
[docs]def cond_check(dofunc, goargs, restargs=None, condition=True, checkif=True, checkifnot=True): """ Do :func:`cond_do` based on a condition, then do it again based on a second condition. :param dofunc: Function to do. :type dofunc: function :param goargs: List of variable arguments. :type goargs: list(str) :param restargs: Rest of arguments, which are constant. :type restargs: list(str) :param condition: Condition to check in order to use secondarg. :type condition: bool :param checkif: Do :func:`cond_do` if this is True. :type checkif: bool :param checkifnot: Do :func:`cond_do` if this is False. :type checkifnot: bool """ if checkif: cond_do(dofunc, goargs[0:2], restargs, condition) if not checkifnot: cond_do(dofunc, goargs[2:4], restargs, condition)