Source code for bbarchivist.sqlutils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""This module is used for dealing with SQL databases, including CSV export."""

import csv  # write to csv
import operator  # for sorting
import os  # paths
import sqlite3  # the sql library
import time  # current date

from bbarchivist import decorators  # sql handlers
from bbarchivist import iniconfig  # config directory

__author__ = "Thurask"
__license__ = "WTFPL v2"
__copyright__ = "2015-2018 Thurask"

[docs]def prepare_path(): """ Figure out where the path is. """ sqlpath = os.path.join(iniconfig.config_homepath(None), "bbarchivist.db") return sqlpath
@decorators.sql_excepthandler("False") def prepare_sw_db(): """ Create SQLite database, if not already existing. """ cnxn = sqlite3.connect(prepare_path()) with cnxn: crs = cnxn.cursor() reqid = "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY" reqs = "TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE COLLATE NOCASE" reqs2 = "TEXT NOT NULL" table = "Swrelease(Id {0}, Os {1}, Software {1}, Available {2}, Date {2})".format( reqid, reqs, reqs2) crs.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + table) @decorators.sql_excepthandler("True") def insert(osversion, swrelease, available, curdate=None): """ Insert values into main SQLite database. :param osversion: OS version. :type osversion: str :param swrelease: Software release. :type swrelease: str :param servers: If release is available. String converted boolean. :type servers: str :param curdate: If None, today. For manual dates, specify this. :type curdate: str """ if curdate is None: curdate = time.strftime("%Y %B %d") cnxn = sqlite3.connect(prepare_path()) with cnxn: crs = cnxn.cursor() try: # insert if new crs.execute( "INSERT INTO Swrelease(Os, Software, Available, Date) VALUES (?,?,?,?)", (osversion, swrelease, available, curdate)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: # update if not new crs.execute("UPDATE Swrelease SET Available=? WHERE Os=? AND Software=?", (available, osversion, swrelease)) @decorators.sql_excepthandler("False") def pop_sw_release(osversion, swrelease): """ Remove given entry from database. :param osversion: OS version. :type osversion: str :param swrelease: Software release. :type swrelease: str """ cnxn = sqlite3.connect(prepare_path()) with cnxn: crs = cnxn.cursor() crs.execute("DELETE FROM Swrelease WHERE Os=? AND Software=?", (osversion, swrelease)) @decorators.sql_excepthandler("False") def check_exists(osversion, swrelease): """ Check if we did this one already. :param osversion: OS version. :type osversion: str :param swrelease: Software release. :type swrelease: str """ cnxn = sqlite3.connect(prepare_path()) with cnxn: # check if exists crs = cnxn.cursor() exis = crs.execute( "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM Swrelease WHERE Os=? AND Software=?)", (osversion, swrelease)).fetchone()[0] return bool(exis) @decorators.sql_excepthandler("False") @decorators.sql_existhandler(prepare_path()) def export_sql_db(): """ Export main SQL database into a CSV file. """ cnxn = sqlite3.connect(prepare_path()) with cnxn: csvpath = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "swrelease.csv") csvw = csv.writer(open(csvpath, "w"), dialect='excel') crs = cnxn.cursor() crs.execute("SELECT Os, Software, Available, Date FROM Swrelease") rows = crs.fetchall() sortedrows = sorted(rows, key=operator.itemgetter(0)) csvw.writerow(('OS Version', 'Software Release', 'Available', 'Date Modified')) csvw.writerows(sortedrows) print("EXPORTED!\n{0}".format(csvpath)) @decorators.sql_excepthandler("False") @decorators.sql_existhandler(prepare_path()) def list_sw_releases(avail=False): """ Return every SW/OS pair in the database. :param avail: If we filter out non-available results. Default is false. :type avail: bool """ cnxn = sqlite3.connect(prepare_path()) with cnxn: crs = cnxn.cursor() query = "SELECT Os, Software, Available, Date FROM Swrelease" if avail: query += " WHERE Available= 'available'" crs.execute(query) rows = crs.fetchall() return rows