Source code for bbarchivist.scriptutils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""This module contains various utilities for the scripts folder."""

import getpass  # invisible password
import hashlib  # hashes
import os  # path work
import shutil  # folder removal
import sys  # getattr
import threading  # run stuff in background

import requests  # session
from bbarchivist import archiveutils  # archive support
from bbarchivist import barutils  # file system work
from bbarchivist import bbconstants  # constants
from bbarchivist import decorators  # decorating functions
from bbarchivist import gpgutils  # gpg
from bbarchivist import hashutils  # file hashes
from bbarchivist import networkutils  # network tools
from bbarchivist import smtputils  # email
from bbarchivist import sqlutils  # sql
from bbarchivist import textgenerator  # writing text to file
from bbarchivist import utilities  # little things

__author__ = "Thurask"
__license__ = "WTFPL v2"
__copyright__ = "2015-2018 Thurask"

[docs]def return_radio_version(osversion, radioversion=None): """ Increment radio version, if need be. :param osversion: OS version. :type osversion: str :param radioversion: Radio version, None if incremented. :type radioversion: str """ if radioversion is None: radioversion = utilities.increment(osversion, 1) return radioversion
[docs]def sw_check_contingency(softwareversion): """ Ask in the event software release isn't found. :param softwareversion: Software release version. :type softwareversion: str """ if softwareversion == "SR not in system": print("SOFTWARE RELEASE NOT FOUND") cont = utilities.i2b("INPUT MANUALLY? Y/N: ") if cont: softwareversion = input("SOFTWARE RELEASE: ") swchecked = False else: print("\nEXITING...") raise SystemExit # bye bye else: swchecked = True return softwareversion, swchecked
[docs]def return_sw_checked(softwareversion, osversion): """ Check software existence, return boolean. :param softwareversion: Software release version. :type softwareversion: str :param osversion: OS version. :type osversion: str """ if softwareversion is None: serv = bbconstants.SERVERS["p"] softwareversion = networkutils.sr_lookup(osversion, serv) softwareversion, swchecked = sw_check_contingency(softwareversion) else: swchecked = True return softwareversion, swchecked
[docs]def return_radio_sw_checked(altsw, radioversion): """ Check radio software existence, return boolean. :param altsw: Software release version. :type altsw: str :param radioversion: Radio version. :type radioversion: str """ if altsw == "checkme": serv = bbconstants.SERVERS["p"] testos = utilities.increment(radioversion, -1) altsw = networkutils.sr_lookup(testos, serv) altsw, altchecked = sw_check_contingency(altsw) else: altchecked = True return altsw, altchecked
[docs]def check_sw(baseurl, softwareversion, swchecked, altsw=False): """ Check existence of software release. :param baseurl: Base URL (from http to hashed SW release). :type baseurl: str :param softwareversion: Software release. :type softwareversion: str :param swchecked: If we checked the sw release already. :type swchecked: bool :param altsw: If this is the radio-only release. Default is false. :type altsw: bool """ message = "CHECKING RADIO SOFTWARE RELEASE..." if altsw else "CHECKING SOFTWARE RELEASE..." print(message) if not swchecked: check_sw_actual(baseurl, softwareversion) else: print("SOFTWARE RELEASE {0} EXISTS".format(softwareversion))
[docs]def check_sw_actual(baseurl, softwareversion): """ Get the status of a software release. :param baseurl: Base URL (from http to hashed SW release). :type baseurl: str :param softwareversion: Software release. :type softwareversion: str """ avlty = networkutils.availability(baseurl) if avlty: print("SOFTWARE RELEASE {0} EXISTS".format(softwareversion)) else: check_sw_handle(softwareversion)
[docs]def check_sw_handle(softwareversion): """ Handle non-existent software release. :param softwareversion: Software release. :type softwareversion: str """ print("SOFTWARE RELEASE {0} NOT FOUND".format(softwareversion)) cont = utilities.i2b("CONTINUE? Y/N: ") if not cont: print("\nEXITING...") raise SystemExit
[docs]def check_radio_sw(alturl, altsw, altchecked): """ Check existence of radio software release. :param alturl: Radio base URL (from http to hashed SW release). :type alturl: str :param altsw: Radio software release. :type altsw: str :param altchecked: If we checked the sw release already. :type altchecked: bool """ return check_sw(alturl, altsw, altchecked, True)
[docs]def check_altsw(altcheck=False): """ Ask for and return alternate software release, if needed. :param altcheck: If we're using an alternate software release. :type altcheck: bool """ if altcheck: altsw = input("RADIO SOFTWARE RELEASE (PRESS ENTER TO GUESS): ") if not altsw: altsw = "checkme" else: altsw = None return altsw
[docs]def check_os_single(osurl, osversion, device): """ Check existence of single OS link. :param radiourl: Radio URL to check. :type radiourl: str :param radioversion: Radio version. :type radioversion: str :param device: Device family. :type device: int """ osav = networkutils.availability(osurl) if not osav: print("{0} NOT AVAILABLE FOR {1}".format(osversion, bbconstants.DEVICES[device])) cont = utilities.i2b("CONTINUE? Y/N: ") if not cont: print("\nEXITING...") raise SystemExit
[docs]def check_os_bulk(osurls): """ Check existence of list of OS links. :param osurls: OS URLs to check. :type osurls: list(str) """ sess = requests.Session() for url in osurls: osav = networkutils.availability(url, sess) if osav: break else: check_os_bulk_handle()
[docs]def check_os_bulk_handle(): """ Handle no existing OS links. """ print("OS VERSION NOT FOUND") cont = utilities.i2b("CONTINUE? Y/N: ") if not cont: print("\nEXITING...") raise SystemExit
[docs]def check_radio_single(radiourl, radioversion): """ Check existence of single radio link. :param radiourl: Radio URL to check. :type radiourl: str :param radioversion: Radio version. :type radioversion: str """ radav = networkutils.availability(radiourl) if not radav: print("RADIO VERSION NOT FOUND") cont = utilities.i2b("INPUT MANUALLY? Y/N: ") if cont: rad2 = input("RADIO VERSION: ") radiourl = radiourl.replace(radioversion, rad2) radioversion = rad2 else: going = utilities.i2b("KEEP GOING? Y/N: ") if not going: print("\nEXITING...") raise SystemExit return radiourl, radioversion
[docs]def check_radio_bulk(radiourls, radioversion): """ Check existence of list of radio links. :param radiourls: Radio URLs to check. :type radiourls: list(str) :param radioversion: Radio version. :type radioversion: str """ sess = requests.Session() for url in radiourls: radav = networkutils.availability(url, sess) if radav: break else: radiourls, radioversion = check_radio_bulk_notfound(radiourls, radioversion) return radiourls, radioversion
[docs]def check_radio_bulk_notfound(radiourls, radioversion): """ What to do if radio links aren't found. :param radiourls: Radio URLs to check. :type radiourls: list(str) :param radioversion: Radio version. :type radioversion: str """ print("RADIO VERSION NOT FOUND") cont = utilities.i2b("INPUT MANUALLY? Y/N: ") if cont: radiourls, radioversion = check_radio_bulk_go(radiourls, radioversion) else: check_radio_bulk_stop() return radiourls, radioversion
[docs]def check_radio_bulk_go(radiourls, radioversion): """ Replace radio version and URLs, and keep going. :param radiourls: Radio URLs to check. :type radiourls: list(str) :param radioversion: Radio version. :type radioversion: str """ rad2 = input("RADIO VERSION: ") radiourls = [url.replace(radioversion, rad2) for url in radiourls] radioversion = rad2 return radiourls, radioversion
[docs]def check_radio_bulk_stop(): """ Ask if we should keep going once no radio has been found. """ going = utilities.i2b("KEEP GOING? Y/N: ") if not going: print("\nEXITING...") raise SystemExit
[docs]def bulk_avail(urllist): """ Filter 404 links out of URL list. :param urllist: URLs to check. :type urllist: list(str) """ sess = requests.Session() url2 = [x for x in urllist if networkutils.availability(x, sess)] return url2
[docs]def get_baseurls(softwareversion, altsw=None): """ Generate base URLs for bar links. :param softwareversion: Software version. :type softwareversion: str :param altsw: Radio software version, if necessary. :type altsw: str """ baseurl = utilities.create_base_url(softwareversion) alturl = utilities.create_base_url(altsw) if altsw else None return baseurl, alturl
[docs]def get_sz_executable(compmethod): """ Get 7z executable. :param compmethod: Compression method. :type compmethod: str """ if compmethod != "7z": szexe = "" else: print("CHECKING PRESENCE OF 7ZIP...") psz = utilities.prep_seven_zip(True) if psz: print("7ZIP OK") szexe = utilities.get_seven_zip(False) else: szexe = "" print("7ZIP NOT FOUND") cont = utilities.i2b("CONTINUE? Y/N ") if cont: print("FALLING BACK TO ZIP...") compmethod = "zip" else: print("\nEXITING...") raise SystemExit # bye bye return compmethod, szexe
[docs]def test_bar_files(localdir, urllist): """ Test bar files after download. :param localdir: Directory. :type localdir: str :param urllist: List of URLs to check. :type urllist: list(str) """ print("TESTING BAR FILES...") brokenlist = [] for file in os.listdir(localdir): brokenlist = test_bar_files_individual(file, localdir, urllist, brokenlist) if brokenlist: print("SOME FILES ARE BROKEN!") utilities.lprint(brokenlist) raise SystemExit else: print("BAR FILES DOWNLOADED OK")
[docs]def test_bar_files_individual(file, localdir, urllist, brokenlist): """ Test bar file after download. :param file: Bar file to check. :type file: str :param localdir: Directory. :type localdir: str :param urllist: List of URLs to check. :type urllist: list(str) :param brokenlist: List of URLs to download later. :type brokenlist: list(str) """ if file.endswith(".bar"): print("TESTING: {0}".format(file)) thepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(localdir, file)) brokens = barutils.bar_tester(thepath) brokenlist = bar_broken_individual(brokens, urllist, brokenlist) return brokenlist
[docs]def bar_broken_individual(brokens, urllist, brokenlist): """ What to do if a downloaded bar file is broken. :param brokens: None if bar is OK, filename if it is not. :type brokens: str :param urllist: List of URLs to check. :type urllist: list(str) :param brokenlist: List of URLs to download later. :type brokenlist: list(str) """ if brokens is not None: os.remove(brokens) for url in urllist: if brokens in url: brokenlist.append(url) return brokenlist
[docs]def test_signed_files(localdir): """ Test signed files after extract. :param localdir: Directory. :type localdir: str """ print("TESTING SIGNED FILES...") for file in os.listdir(localdir): if file.endswith(".bar"): print("TESTING: {0}".format(file)) signname, signhash = barutils.retrieve_sha512(os.path.join(localdir, file)) sha512ver = barutils.verify_sha512(os.path.join(localdir, signname.decode("utf-8")), signhash) if not sha512ver: print("{0} IS BROKEN".format((file))) break else: print("ALL FILES EXTRACTED OK")
[docs]def test_loader_files(localdir): """ Test loader files after creation. :param localdir: Directory. :type localdir: str """ if not utilities.is_windows(): pass else: print("TESTING LOADER FILES...") brokens = utilities.verify_bulk_loaders(localdir) if brokens: print("BROKEN FILES:") utilities.lprint(brokens) raise SystemExit else: print("ALL FILES CREATED OK")
[docs]def test_single_loader(loaderfile): """ Test single loader file after creation. :param loaderfile: File to check. :type loaderfile: str """ if not utilities.is_windows(): pass else: print("TESTING LOADER...") if not utilities.verify_loader_integrity(loaderfile): print("{0} IS BROKEN!".format(os.path.basename(loaderfile))) raise SystemExit else: print("LOADER CREATED OK")
[docs]def prod_avail(results, mailer=False, osversion=None, password=None): """ Clean availability for production lookups for autolookup script. :param results: Result dict. :type results: dict(str: str) :param mailer: If we're mailing links. Default is false. :type mailer: bool :param osversion: OS version. :type osversion: str :param password: Email password. :type password: str """ prel = results['p'] if prel != "SR not in system" and prel is not None: pav = "PD" baseurl = utilities.create_base_url(prel) avail = networkutils.availability(baseurl) is_avail = "Available" if avail else "Unavailable" prod_avail_mailprep(prel, avail, osversion, mailer, password) else: pav = " " is_avail = "Unavailable" return prel, pav, is_avail
[docs]def prod_avail_mailprep(prel, avail, osversion=None, mailer=False, password=None): """ Do SQL/SMTP prep work after a good production lookup hit. :param prel: Software lookup result. :type prel: str :param avail: If software lookup result is available for download. :type avail: bool :param osversion: OS version. :type osversion: str :param mailer: If we're mailing links. Default is false. :type mailer: bool :param password: Email password. :type password: str """ if avail and mailer: sqlutils.prepare_sw_db() if not sqlutils.check_exists(osversion, prel): rad = utilities.increment(osversion, 1) linkgen(osversion, rad, prel, temp=True) smtputils.prep_email(osversion, prel, password)
[docs]def comp_joiner(rootdir, localdir, filelist): """ Join rootdir, localdir to every file in filelist. :param rootdir: Root directory. :type rootdir: str :param localdir: Subfolder inside rootdir. :type localdir: str :param filelist: List of files to return this path for. :type filelist: list(str) """ joinedfiles = [os.path.join(rootdir, localdir, os.path.basename(x)) for x in filelist] return joinedfiles
[docs]def kernchecker_prep(kernlist): """ Prepare output from kernel list. :param kernlist: List of kernel branches. :type kernlist: list(str) """ splitkerns = [x.split("/") for x in kernlist] platforms = list({x[0] for x in splitkerns}) kerndict = kernchecker_dict(splitkerns, platforms) return kerndict
[docs]def kernchecker_dict(splitkerns, platforms): """ Prepare results dictionary. :param splitkerns: Split kernel branches. :type splitkerns: list(str) :param platforms: List of platform dicts. :type platforms: list(dict) """ kerndict = {x: [] for x in platforms} for kernel in splitkerns: kerndict[kernel[0]].append("\t{0}".format(kernel[1])) return kerndict
[docs]def linkgen_sdk_dicter(indict, origtext, newtext): """ Prepare SDK radio/OS dictionaries. :param indict: Dictionary of radio and OS pairs. :type: dict(str:str) :param origtext: String in indict's values that must be replaced. :type origtext: str :param newtext: What to replace origtext with. :type newtext: str """ return {key: val.replace(origtext, newtext) for key, val in indict.items()}
[docs]def linkgen_sdk(sdk, oses, cores): """ Generate SDK debrick/core images. :param sdk: If we specifically want SDK images. Default is False. :type sdk: bool :param oses: Dictionary of radio and debrick pairs. :type oses: dict(str:str) :param cores: Dictionary of radio and core pairs. :type cores: dict(str:str) """ if sdk: oses2 = linkgen_sdk_dicter(oses, "factory_sfi", "sdk") cores2 = linkgen_sdk_dicter(cores, "factory_sfi", "sdk") oses = linkgen_sdk_dicter(oses2, "verizon_sfi", "sdk") cores = linkgen_sdk_dicter(cores2, "verizon_sfi", "sdk") return oses, cores
[docs]def linkgen(osversion, radioversion=None, softwareversion=None, altsw=None, temp=False, sdk=False): """ Generate debrick/core/radio links for given OS, radio, software release. :param osversion: OS version, 10.x.y.zzzz. :type osversion: str :param radioversion: Radio version, 10.x.y.zzzz. Can be guessed. :type radioversion: str :param softwareversion: Software version, 10.x.y.zzzz. Can be guessed. :type softwareversion: str :param altsw: Radio software release, if not the same as OS. :type altsw: str :param temp: If file we write to is temporary. Default is False. :type temp: bool :param sdk: If we specifically want SDK images. Default is False. :type sdk: bool """ radioversion = return_radio_version(osversion, radioversion) softwareversion, swc = return_sw_checked(softwareversion, osversion) del swc if altsw is not None: altsw, aswc = return_radio_sw_checked(altsw, radioversion) del aswc baseurl = utilities.create_base_url(softwareversion) oses, cores, radios = textgenerator.url_gen(osversion, radioversion, softwareversion) if altsw is not None: del radios dbks, cors, radios = textgenerator.url_gen(osversion, radioversion, altsw) del dbks del cors avlty = networkutils.availability(baseurl) oses, cores = linkgen_sdk(sdk, oses, cores) prargs = (softwareversion, osversion, radioversion, oses, cores, radios, avlty, False, None, temp, altsw) lthr = threading.Thread(target=textgenerator.write_links, args=prargs) lthr.start()
[docs]def clean_swrel(swrelset): """ Clean a list of software release lookups. :param swrelset: List of software releases. :type swrelset: set(str) """ for i in swrelset: if i != "SR not in system" and i is not None: swrelease = i break else: swrelease = "" return swrelease
[docs]def autolookup_logger(record, out): """ Write autolookup results to file. :param record: The file to log to. :type record: str :param out: Output block. :type out: str """ with open(record, "a") as rec: rec.write("{0}\n".format(out))
[docs]def autolookup_printer(out, avail, log=False, quiet=False, record=None): """ Print autolookup results, logging if specified. :param out: Output block. :type out: str :param avail: Availability. Can be "Available" or "Unavailable". :type avail: str :param log: If we're logging to file. :type log: bool :param quiet: If we only note available entries. :type quiet: bool :param record: If we're logging, the file to log to. :type record: str """ if not quiet: avail = "Available" # force things if avail.lower() == "available": if log: lthr = threading.Thread(target=autolookup_logger, args=(record, out)) lthr.start() print(out)
[docs]def autolookup_output_sql(osversion, swrelease, avail, sql=False): """ Add OS to SQL database. :param osversion: OS version. :type osversion: str :param swrelease: Software release. :type swrelease: str :param avail: "Unavailable" or "Available". :type avail: str :param sql: If we're adding this to our SQL database. :type sql: bool """ if sql: sqlutils.prepare_sw_db() if not sqlutils.check_exists(osversion, swrelease): sqlutils.insert(osversion, swrelease, avail.lower())
[docs]def autolookup_output(osversion, swrelease, avail, avpack, sql=False): """ Prepare autolookup block, and add to SQL database. :param osversion: OS version. :type osversion: str :param swrelease: Software release. :type swrelease: str :param avail: "Unavailable" or "Available". :type avail: str :param avpack: Availabilities: alpha 1 and 2, beta 1 and 2, production. :type avpack: list(str) :param sql: If we're adding this to our SQL database. :type sql: bool """ othr = threading.Thread(target=autolookup_output_sql, args=(osversion, swrelease, avail, sql)) othr.start() avblok = "[{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}|{4}]".format(*avpack) out = "OS {0} - SR {1} - {2} - {3}".format(osversion, swrelease, avblok, avail) return out
[docs]def clean_barlist(cleanfiles, stoppers): """ Remove certain bars from barlist based on keywords. :param cleanfiles: List of files to clean. :type cleanfiles: list(str) :param stoppers: List of keywords (i.e. bar names) to exclude. :type stoppers: list(str) """ finals = [link for link in cleanfiles if all(word not in link for word in stoppers)] return finals
[docs]def prep_export_cchecker(files, npc, hwid, osv, radv, swv, upgrade=False, forced=None): """ Prepare carrierchecker lookup links to write to file. :param files: List of file URLs. :type files: list(str) :param npc: MCC + MNC (ex. 302220). :type npc: int :param hwid: Device hardware ID. :type hwid: str :param osv: OS version. :type osv: str :param radv: Radio version. :type radv: str :param swv: Software release. :type swv: str :param upgrade: Whether or not to use upgrade files. Default is false. :type upgrade: bool :param forced: Force a software release. None to go for latest. :type forced: str """ if not upgrade: newfiles = networkutils.carrier_query(npc, hwid, True, False, forced) cleanfiles = newfiles[3] else: cleanfiles = files osurls, coreurls, radiourls = textgenerator.url_gen(osv, radv, swv) stoppers = ["8960", "8930", "8974", "m5730", "winchester"] finals = clean_barlist(cleanfiles, stoppers) return osurls, coreurls, radiourls, finals
[docs]def export_cchecker(files, npc, hwid, osv, radv, swv, upgrade=False, forced=None): """ Write carrierchecker lookup links to file. :param files: List of file URLs. :type files: list(str) :param npc: MCC + MNC (ex. 302220). :type npc: int :param hwid: Device hardware ID. :type hwid: str :param osv: OS version. :type osv: str :param radv: Radio version. :type radv: str :param swv: Software release. :type swv: str :param upgrade: Whether or not to use upgrade files. Default is false. :type upgrade: bool :param forced: Force a software release. None to go for latest. :type forced: str """ if files: osurls, coreurls, radiourls, finals = prep_export_cchecker(files, npc, hwid, osv, radv, swv, upgrade, forced) textgenerator.write_links(swv, osv, radv, osurls, coreurls, radiourls, True, True, finals) print("\nFINISHED!!!") else: print("CANNOT EXPORT, NO SOFTWARE RELEASE")
[docs]def package_blitz(bardir, swv): """ Package and verify a blitz package. :param bardir: Path to folder containing bar files. :type bardir: str :param swv: Software version. :type swv: str """ print("\nCREATING BLITZ...") barutils.create_blitz(bardir, swv) print("\nTESTING BLITZ...") zipver = archiveutils.zip_verify("Blitz-{0}.zip".format(swv)) if not zipver: print("BLITZ FILE IS BROKEN") raise SystemExit else: shutil.rmtree(bardir)
[docs]def questionnaire_device(message=None): """ Get device from questionnaire. """ message = "DEVICE (XXX100-#): " if message is None else message device = input(message) if not device: print("NO DEVICE SPECIFIED!") decorators.enter_to_exit(True) if not getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): raise SystemExit return device
[docs]def verify_gpg_credentials(): """ Read GPG key/pass from file, verify if incomplete. """ gpgkey, gpgpass = gpgutils.gpg_config_loader() if gpgkey is None or gpgpass is None: print("NO PGP KEY/PASS FOUND") cont = utilities.i2b("CONTINUE (Y/N)?: ") if cont: gpgkey = verify_gpg_key(gpgkey) gpgpass, writebool = verify_gpg_pass(gpgpass) gpgpass2 = gpgpass if writebool else None gpgutils.gpg_config_writer(gpgkey, gpgpass2) else: gpgkey = None return gpgkey, gpgpass
[docs]def verify_gpg_key(gpgkey=None): """ Verify GPG key. :param gpgkey: Key, use None to take from input. :type gpgkey: str """ if gpgkey is None: gpgkey = input("PGP KEY (0x12345678): ") if not gpgkey.startswith("0x"): gpgkey = "0x{0}".format(gpgkey) # add preceding 0x return gpgkey
[docs]def verify_gpg_pass(gpgpass=None): """ Verify GPG passphrase. :param gpgpass: Passphrase, use None to take from input. :type gpgpass: str """ if gpgpass is None: gpgpass = getpass.getpass(prompt="PGP PASSPHRASE: ") writebool = utilities.i2b("SAVE PASSPHRASE (Y/N)?:") else: writebool = False return gpgpass, writebool
[docs]def bulk_hash(dirs, compressed=True, deleted=True, radios=True, hashdict=None): """ Hash files in several folders based on flags. :param dirs: Folders: [OS_bars, radio_bars, OS_exes, radio_exes, OS_zips, radio_zips] :type dirs: list(str) :param compressed: Whether to hash compressed files. True by default. :type compressed: bool :param deleted: Whether to delete uncompressed files. True by default. :type deleted: bool :param radios: Whether to hash radio autoloaders. True by default. :type radios: bool :param hashdict: Dictionary of hash rules, in ~\bbarchivist.ini. :type hashdict: dict({str: bool}) """ print("HASHING LOADERS...") defargs = utilities.def_args(dirs) utilities.cond_check(hashutils.verifier, defargs, [hashdict], radios, compressed, deleted)
[docs]def bulk_verify(dirs, compressed=True, deleted=True, radios=True): """ Verify files in several folders based on flags. :param dirs: Folders: [OS_bars, radio_bars, OS_exes, radio_exes, OS_zips, radio_zips] :type dirs: list(str) :param compressed: Whether to hash compressed files. True by default. :type compressed: bool :param deleted: Whether to delete uncompressed files. True by default. :type deleted: bool :param radios: Whether to hash radio autoloaders. True by default. :type radios: bool """ gpgkey, gpgpass = verify_gpg_credentials() if gpgpass is not None and gpgkey is not None: print("VERIFYING LOADERS...") print("KEY: {0}".format(gpgkey)) restargs = [gpgkey, gpgpass, True] defargs = utilities.def_args(dirs) utilities.cond_check(gpgutils.gpgrunner, defargs, restargs, radios, compressed, deleted)
[docs]def enn_ayy(quant): """ Cheeky way to put a N/A placeholder for a string. :param quant: What to check if it's None. :type quant: str """ return "N/A" if quant is None else quant
[docs]def generate_workfolder(folder=None): """ Check if a folder exists, make it if it doesn't, set it to home if None. :param folder: Folder to check. :type folder: str """ folder = utilities.dirhandler(folder, os.getcwd()) if folder is not None and not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) return folder
[docs]def info_header(afile, osver, radio=None, software=None, device=None): """ Write header for info file. :param afile: Open file to write to. :type afile: File object :param osver: OS version, required for both types. :type osver: str :param radio: Radio version, required for QNX. :type radio: str :param software: Software release, required for QNX. :type software: str :param device: Device type, required for Android. :type device: str """ afile.write("OS: {0}\n".format(osver)) if device: afile.write("Device: {0}\n".format(enn_ayy(device))) else: afile.write("Radio: {0}\n".format(enn_ayy(radio))) afile.write("Software: {0}\n".format(enn_ayy(software))) afile.write("{0}\n".format("~"*40))
[docs]def prep_info(filepath, osver, device=None): """ Prepare file list for new-style info file. :param filepath: Path to folder to analyze. :type filepath: str :param osver: OS version, required for both types. :type osver: str :param device: Device type, required for Android. :type device: str """ fileext = ".zip" if device else ".7z" files = os.listdir(filepath) absfiles = sorted([os.path.join(filepath, x) for x in files if x.endswith((fileext, ".exe"))]) fname = os.path.join(filepath, "!{0}_OSINFO!.txt".format(osver)) return fname, absfiles
[docs]def make_info(filepath, osver, radio=None, software=None, device=None): """ Create a new-style info (names, sizes and hashes) file. :param filepath: Path to folder to analyze. :type filepath: str :param osver: OS version, required for both types. :type osver: str :param radio: Radio version, required for QNX. :type radio: str :param software: Software release, required for QNX. :type software: str :param device: Device type, required for Android. :type device: str """ fname, absfiles = prep_info(filepath, osver, device) with open(fname, "w") as afile: info_header(afile, osver, radio, software, device) for indx, file in enumerate(absfiles): write_info(file, indx, len(absfiles), afile)
[docs]def write_info(infile, index, filecount, outfile): """ Write a new-style info (names, sizes and hashes) file. :param infile: Path to file whose name, size and hash are to be written. :type infile: str :param index: Which file index out of the list of files we're writing. :type index: int :param filecount: Total number of files we're to write; for excluding terminal newline. :type filecount: int :param outfile: Open (!!!) file handle. Output file. :type outfile: str """ fsize = os.stat(infile).st_size outfile.write("File: {0}\n".format(os.path.basename(infile))) outfile.write("\tSize: {0} ({1})\n".format(fsize, utilities.fsizer(fsize))) outfile.write("\tHashes:\n") outfile.write("\t\tMD5: {0}\n".format(hashutils.hashlib_hash(infile, hashlib.md5()).upper())) outfile.write("\t\tSHA1: {0}\n".format(hashutils.hashlib_hash(infile, hashlib.sha1()).upper())) outfile.write("\t\tSHA256: {0}\n".format(hashutils.hashlib_hash(infile, hashlib.sha256()).upper())) outfile.write("\t\tSHA512: {0}\n".format(hashutils.hashlib_hash(infile, hashlib.sha512()).upper())) if index != filecount - 1: outfile.write("\n")
[docs]def bulk_info(dirs, osv, compressed=True, deleted=True, radios=True, rad=None, swv=None, dev=None): """ Generate info files in several folders based on flags. :param dirs: Folders: [OS_bars, radio_bars, OS_exes, radio_exes, OS_zips, radio_zips] :type dirs: list(str) :param osver: OS version, required for both types. :type osver: str :param compressed: Whether to hash compressed files. True by default. :type compressed: bool :param deleted: Whether to delete uncompressed files. True by default. :type deleted: bool :param radios: Whether to hash radio autoloaders. True by default. :type radios: bool :param rad: Radio version, required for QNX. :type rad: str :param swv: Software release, required for QNX. :type swv: str :param dev: Device type, required for Android. :type dev: str """ print("GENERATING INFO FILES...") restargs = [osv, rad, swv, dev] utilities.cond_check(make_info, utilities.def_args(dirs), restargs, radios, compressed, deleted)