Source code for bbarchivist.pseudocap

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""This module is the Python-ized implementation of cap.exe"""

import base64  # storage
import binascii  # to hex and back again
import os  # path work

from bbarchivist import bbconstants  # versions/constants
from bbarchivist import utilities  # finding cap

__author__ = "Thurask"
__license__ = "WTFPL v2"
__copyright__ = "2015-2018 Thurask"

[docs]def ghetto_convert(intsize): """ Convert from decimal integer to little endian hexadecimal string, padded to 16 characters with zeros. :param intsize: Integer you wish to convert. :type intsize: int """ intsize = int(intsize) if not isinstance(intsize, int) else intsize hexsize = format(intsize, '08x') # '00AABBCC' newlist = [hexsize[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(hexsize), 2)] # ['00', 'AA','BB','CC'] newlist.reverse() ghetto_hex = "".join(newlist) # 'CCBBAA' ghetto_hex = ghetto_hex.rjust(16, '0') return binascii.unhexlify(bytes(ghetto_hex.upper()[:16], 'ascii'))
[docs]def make_sizes(filelist): """ Get sizes of list of signed files. :param filelist: List of 1-6 signed files. :type filelist: list(str) """ return [os.path.getsize(x) if x else 0 for x in filelist]
[docs]def make_starts(beginlength, capsize, pad, sizes): """ Get list of starting positions for each signed file. :param beginlength: Length of beginning offset. :type beginlength: int :param capsize: Size of cap executable. :type capsize: int :param pad: Padding character. :type pad: bytes :param sizes: List of signed file sizes. :type sizes: list(int) """ starts = [pad*8, pad*8, pad*8, pad*8, pad*8, pad*8] offsets = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] for idx in range(len(sizes)): offsets[idx] = beginlength+capsize if idx == 0 else offsets[idx-1] + sizes[idx-1] starts[idx] = ghetto_convert(offsets[idx]) return starts
[docs]def make_offset(files, folder=None): """ Create magic offset for use in autoloader creation. Cap.exe MUST match separator version. Version defined in :data:`bbarchivist.bbconstants.CAP.version`. :param files: List of 1-6 signed files. :type files: list(str) :param folder: Working folder. Optional. Default is local. :type folder: str """ folder = utilities.dirhandler(folder, os.getcwd()) capfile = utilities.grab_cap() filelist = [file for file in files if file] fcount = b'0' + bytes(str(len(filelist)), 'ascii') # immutable things scaff = b'at9dFE5LTEdOT0hHR0lTCxcKDR4MFFMtPiU6LT0zPjs6Ui88U05GTVFOSUdRTlFOT3BwcJzVxZec1cWXnNXFlw==' separator = base64.b64decode(scaff) password = binascii.unhexlify(b'0' * 160) pad = b'\x00' # 1x, 2x or 8x filepad = binascii.unhexlify(fcount) # 01-06 trailers = binascii.unhexlify(b'00' * (7 - len(filelist))) # 00, 1-6x capsize = os.path.getsize(capfile) if not filelist: # we need at least one file raise SystemExit sizes = make_sizes(filelist) # start of first file; length of cap + length of offset beginlength = len(separator) + len(password) + 64 starts = make_starts(beginlength, capsize, pad, sizes) makeuplen = 64 - 6 * len(pad * 8) - 2 * len(pad * 2) - 2 * len(pad) - len(trailers) - len(filepad) makeup = b'\x00' * makeuplen # pad to match offset begin magicoffset = [separator, password, filepad, pad, pad, pad, starts[0], starts[1], starts[2], starts[3], starts[4], starts[5], pad, pad, pad, trailers, makeup] return b"".join(magicoffset)
[docs]def write_offset(inbytes, outfile): """ Write to a file from the offset bytestring. :param inbytes: Bytestring. :type inbytes: bytes :param outfile: Open (!!!) file handle. Output file. :type outfile: str """ print("WRITING MAGIC OFFSET") outfile.write(inbytes)
[docs]def write_4k(infile, outfile, text="FILE"): """ Write to a file from another file, 4k bytes at a time. :param infile: Filename. Input file. :type infile: str :param outfile: Open (!!!) file handle. Output file. :type outfile: str :param text: Writing <text>... :type text: str """ with open(os.path.abspath(infile), "rb") as afile: print("WRITING {1}...\n{0}".format(os.path.basename(infile), text)) while True: chunk = # 4k chunks if not chunk: break outfile.write(chunk)
[docs]def make_autoloader(filename, files, folder=None): """ Prepare for creation of autoloader. :param filename: Name of autoloader. :type filename: str :param files: List of 1-6 signed files to add into autoloader. :type files: list(str) :param folder: Working folder. Optional, default is local. :type folder: str """ folder = utilities.dirhandler(folder, os.getcwd()) offset = make_offset(files, folder) filelist = [os.path.abspath(file) for file in files if file] print("CREATING: {0}".format(filename)) write_autoloader_guard(filename, folder, offset, filelist)
[docs]def write_autoloader_guard(filename, folder, offset, filelist): """ Try/except guard for writing autoloader. :param filename: Name of autoloader. :type filename: str :param folder: Working folder. :type folder: str :param offset: Offset bytestring. :type offset: bytes :param filelist: List of absolute filepaths to write into autoloader. :type filelist: list(str) """ try: write_autoloader(filename, folder, offset, filelist) except IOError as exc: print("Operation failed: {0}".format(exc.strerror)) else: print("{0} FINISHED!".format(filename))
[docs]def write_autoloader(filename, folder, offset, filelist): """ Write cap.exe, magic offset, and signed files to a .exe file. :param filename: Name of autoloader. :type filename: str :param folder: Working folder. :type folder: str :param offset: Offset bytestring. :type offset: bytes :param filelist: List of absolute filepaths to write into autoloader. :type filelist: list(str) """ with open(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(folder), filename), "wb") as autoloader: capskel = "CAP VERSION {0}".format(bbconstants.CAP.version) write_4k(os.path.normpath(utilities.grab_cap()), autoloader, capskel) write_offset(offset, autoloader) for file in filelist: write_4k(file, autoloader)