Source code for bbarchivist.networkutilstcl

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""This module is used for network connections for TCL tools."""

import base64  # encoding
import binascii  # encoding
import hashlib  # salt
import random  # salt
import time  # salt
import zlib  # encoding

import requests  # downloading
from bbarchivist import networkutils  # network tools
from bbarchivist import xmlutilstcl  # xml work
from bbarchivist.bbconstants import TCLMASTERS  # lookup servers

__author__ = "Thurask"
__license__ = "WTFPL v2"
__copyright__ = "2018 Thurask"

[docs]def tcl_master(): """ Get a random master server. """ return random.choice(TCLMASTERS)
[docs]def tcl_default_id(devid): """ Get an IMEI or a serial number or something. :param devid: Return default if this is None. :type devid: str """ if devid is None: devid = "543212345000000" return devid
[docs]def check_prep(curef, mode=4, fvver="AAA000", cltp=2010, cktp=2, rtd=1, chnl=2, devid=None): """ Prepare variables for TCL update check. :param curef: PRD of the phone variant to check. :type curef: str :param mode: 4 if downloading autoloaders, 2 if downloading OTA deltas. :type mode: int :param fvver: Initial software version, must be specific if downloading OTA deltas. :type fvver: str :param cltp: 2010 to always show latest version, 10 to show actual updates. Default is 2010. :type cltp: int :param cktp: 2 if checking manually, 1 if checking automatically. Default is 2. :type cktp: int :param rtd: 2 if rooted, 1 if not. Default is 1. :type rtd: int :param chnl: 2 if checking on WiFi, 1 if checking on mobile. Default is 2. :type chnl: int :param devid: Serial number/IMEI. Default is fake, not that it matters. :type devid: str """ devid = tcl_default_id(devid) geturl = "http://{0}/check.php".format(tcl_master()) params = {"id": devid, "curef": curef, "fv": fvver, "mode": mode, "type": "Firmware", "cltp": cltp, "cktp": cktp, "rtd": rtd, "chnl": chnl} return geturl, params
@networkutils.pem_wrapper @networkutils.try_try_again def tcl_check(curef, session=None, mode=4, fvver="AAA000", export=False): """ Check TCL server for updates. :param curef: PRD of the phone variant to check. :type curef: str :param session: Requests session object, default is created on the fly. :type session: requests.Session() :param mode: 4 if downloading autoloaders, 2 if downloading OTA deltas. :type mode: int :param fvver: Initial software version, must be specific if downloading OTA deltas. :type fvver: str :param export: Whether to export XML response to file. Default is False. :type export: bool """ sess = networkutils.generic_session(session) geturl, params = check_prep(curef, mode, fvver) req = sess.get(geturl, params=params) if req.status_code == 200: req.encoding = "utf-8" response = req.text if export: salt = tcl_salt() xmlutilstcl.dump_tcl_xml(response, salt) else: response = None return response
[docs]def tcl_salt(): """ Generate salt value for TCL server tools. """ millis = round(time.time() * 1000) tail = "{0:06d}".format(random.randint(0, 999999)) return "{0}{1}".format(str(millis), tail)
[docs]def unpack_vdkey(): """ Draw the curtain back. """ vdkey = b"eJwdjwEOwDAIAr8kKFr//7HhmqXp8AIIDrYAgg8byiUXrwRJRXja+d6iNxu0AhUooDCN9rd6rDLxmGIakUVWo3IGCTRWqCAt6X4jGEIUAxgN0eYWnp+LkpHQAg/PsO90ELsy0Npm/n2HbtPndFgGEV31R9OmT4O4nrddjc3Qt6nWscx7e+WRHq5UnOudtjw5skuV09pFhvmqnOEIs4ljPeel1wfLYUF4\n" vdk = zlib.decompress(binascii.a2b_base64(vdkey)) return vdk.decode("utf-8")
[docs]def vkhash(curef, tvver, fwid, salt, mode=4, fvver="AAA000", cltp=2010, devid=None): """ Generate hash from TCL update server variables. :param curef: PRD of the phone variant to check. :type curef: str :param tvver: Target software version. :type tvver: str :param fwid: Firmware ID for desired download file. :type fwid: str :param salt: Salt hash. :type salt: str :param mode: 4 if downloading autoloaders, 2 if downloading OTA deltas. :type mode: int :param fvver: Initial software version, must be specific if downloading OTA deltas. :type fvver: str :param cltp: 2010 to always show latest version, 10 to show actual updates. Default is 2010. :type cltp: int :param devid: Serial number/IMEI. Default is fake, not that it matters. :type devid: str """ vdk = unpack_vdkey() devid = tcl_default_id(devid) query = "id={0}&salt={1}&curef={2}&fv={3}&tv={4}&type={5}&fw_id={6}&mode={7}&cltp={8}{9}".format(devid, salt, curef, fvver, tvver, "Firmware", fwid, mode, cltp, vdk) engine = hashlib.sha1() engine.update(bytes(query, "utf-8")) return engine.hexdigest()
[docs]def download_request_prep(curef, tvver, fwid, salt, vkh, mode=4, fvver="AAA000", cltp=2010, devid=None): """ Prepare variables for download server check. :param curef: PRD of the phone variant to check. :type curef: str :param tvver: Target software version. :type tvver: str :param fwid: Firmware ID for desired download file. :type fwid: str :param salt: Salt hash. :type salt: str :param vkh: VDKey-based hash. :type vkh: str :param mode: 4 if downloading autoloaders, 2 if downloading OTA deltas. :type mode: int :param fvver: Initial software version, must be specific if downloading OTA deltas. :type fvver: str :param cltp: 2010 to always show latest version, 10 to show actual updates. Default is 2010. :type cltp: int :param devid: Serial number/IMEI. Default is fake, not that it matters. :type devid: str """ devid = tcl_default_id(devid) posturl = "http://{0}/download_request.php".format(tcl_master()) params = {"id": devid, "curef": curef, "fv": fvver, "mode": mode, "type": "Firmware", "tv": tvver, "fw_id": fwid, "salt": salt, "vk": vkh, "cltp": cltp} if mode == 4: params["foot"] = 1 return posturl, params
@networkutils.pem_wrapper @networkutils.try_try_again def tcl_download_request(curef, tvver, fwid, salt, vkh, session=None, mode=4, fvver="AAA000", export=False): """ Check TCL server for download URLs. :param curef: PRD of the phone variant to check. :type curef: str :param tvver: Target software version. :type tvver: str :param fwid: Firmware ID for desired download file. :type fwid: str :param salt: Salt hash. :type salt: str :param vkh: VDKey-based hash. :type vkh: str :param session: Requests session object, default is created on the fly. :type session: requests.Session() :param mode: 4 if downloading autoloaders, 2 if downloading OTA deltas. :type mode: int :param fvver: Initial software version, must be specific if downloading OTA deltas. :type fvver: str :param export: Whether to export XML response to file. Default is False. :type export: bool """ sess = networkutils.generic_session(session) posturl, params = download_request_prep(curef, tvver, fwid, salt, vkh, mode, fvver) req =, data=params) if req.status_code == 200: req.encoding = "utf-8" response = req.text if export: xmlutilstcl.dump_tcl_xml(response, salt) else: response = None return response
[docs]def encrypt_header_prep(address, encslave): """ Prepare variables for encrypted header check. :param address: File URL minus host. :type address: str :param encslave: Server hosting header script. :type encslave: str """ encs = {b"YWNjb3VudA==" : b"emhlbmdodWEuZ2Fv", b"cGFzc3dvcmQ=": b"cWFydUQ0b2s="} params = {base64.b64decode(key): base64.b64decode(val) for key, val in encs.items()} params[b"address"] = bytes(address, "utf-8") posturl = "http://{0}/encrypt_header.php".format(encslave) return posturl, params
@networkutils.pem_wrapper def encrypt_header(address, encslave, session=None): """ Check encrypted header. :param address: File URL minus host. :type address: str :param encslave: Server hosting header script. :type encslave: str :param session: Requests session object, default is created on the fly. :type session: requests.Session() """ sess = networkutils.generic_session(session) posturl, params = encrypt_header_prep(address, encslave) req =, data=params) if req.status_code == 206: # partial contentlength = int(req.headers["Content-Length"]) sentinel = "HEADER FOUND" if contentlength == 4194320 else "NO HEADER FOUND" else: sentinel = None return sentinel @networkutils.pem_wrapper def remote_prd_info(): """ Get list of remote OTA versions. """ dburl = "" req = requests.get(dburl) reqj = req.json() otadict = {val["curef"]: val["last_ota"] for val in reqj.values() if val["last_ota"] is not None} return otadict