Source code for bbarchivist.loadergentcl

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""This module is used for creation of TCL autoloaders."""

import os  # path work
import shutil  # file copying

from bbarchivist import bbconstants  # versions/constants

__author__ = "Thurask"
__license__ = "WTFPL v2"
__copyright__ = "2018 Thurask"

[docs]def point_point_copy(inpath, outpath, filename): """ Copy a file from one absolute path to another. :param inpath: Input path. :type inpath: str :param outpath: Output path. :type outpath: str :param filename: Filename. :type filename: str """ if os.sep in filename: filex = os.path.basename(filename) else: filex = filename shutil.copy(os.path.join(inpath, filename), os.path.join(outpath, filex))
[docs]def point_point_bulk(inpath, outpath, files): """ Copy a list of files from one absolute path to another. :param inpath: Input path. :type inpath: str :param outpath: Output path. :type outpath: str :param files: List of filenames. :type files: list(str) """ for file in files: point_point_copy(inpath, outpath, file)
[docs]def generate_tclloader_script(dirname, batchfile, shfile, wipe=True): """ Copy script files from site-packages to loader directory. :param dirname: Name for final directory and loader. :type dirname: str :param batchfile: Path to flashall.bat. :type batchfile: str :param shfile: Path to :type shfile: str :param wipe: If the final loader wipes userdata. Default is True. :type wipe: bool """ shutil.copy(batchfile, os.path.join(dirname, "flashall.bat")) shutil.copy(shfile, os.path.join(dirname, "")) if not wipe: tclloader_nowipe(os.path.join(dirname, "flashall.bat")) tclloader_nowipe(os.path.join(dirname, ""))
[docs]def tclloader_nowipe(infile): """ Modify a script file to strike references to wiping the phone. :param infile: Path to script file to modify. :type infile: str """ filterout = ("oem securewipe", "flash userdata") with open(infile, "r+", newline="") as afile: content = for line in content.split("\n"): if not any(part in line for part in filterout): afile.write(line + "\n") afile.truncate()
[docs]def generate_google_host(hostin, hostout): """ Generate host directory from Google platform tools, i.e. fastboot. :param hostin: Directory containing files to copy. :type hostin: str :param hostout: Directory that files are to be copied to. :type hostout: str """ platforms = ["linux", "windows", "darwin"] inouts = {os.path.join(hostin, plat, "platform-tools"): os.path.join(hostout, "{0}-x86".format(plat), "bin") for plat in platforms} for infile, outfile in inouts.items(): shutil.copytree(infile, outfile)
[docs]def generate_tclloader_host(hostin, hostout): """ Generate host directory from autoloader template, i.e. fastboot. :param hostin: Directory containing files to copy. :type hostin: str :param hostout: Directory that files are to be copied to. :type hostout: str """ os.makedirs(os.path.join(hostout, "darwin-x86", "bin")) os.makedirs(os.path.join(hostout, "linux-x86", "bin")) os.makedirs(os.path.join(hostout, "windows-x86", "bin")) macfile = os.path.join("darwin-x86", "bin", "fastboot") linfile = os.path.join("linux-x86", "bin", "fastboot") winx = ["AdbWinApi.dll", "AdbWinUsbApi.dll", "fastboot.exe"] winfiles = [os.path.join("windows-x86", "bin", x) for x in winx] winfiles.extend([linfile, macfile]) point_point_bulk(hostin, hostout, winfiles)
[docs]def generate_tclloader_sig(sigin, sigout): """ Generate common signature files. :param sigin: Directory containing files to copy. :type sigin: str :param sigout: Directory that files are to be copied to. :type sigout: str """ for entry in ["boot", "recovery"]: shutil.copy(os.path.join(sigin, "{0}.img.production.sig".format(entry)), os.path.join(sigout, "{0}.img.sig".format(entry)))
[docs]def generate_tclloader_csig(sigin, sigout, carrier): """ Generate carrier variant signature files. :param sigin: Directory containing files to copy. :type sigin: str :param sigout: Directory that files are to be copied to. :type sigout: str :param carrier: Carrier to check: att, sprint, china, vzw :type carrier: str """ for entry in ["boot", "recovery"]: shutil.copy(os.path.join(sigin, "{1}.img.production-{0}.sig".format(carrier, entry)), os.path.join(sigout, "{1}.img{0}.sig".format(carrier, entry)))
[docs]def generate_tclloader_carriers(sigin, sigout): """ Collect carrier variant signature files. :param sigin: Directory containing files to copy. :type sigin: str :param sigout: Directory that files are to be copied to. :type sigout: str """ prods = set(x.split("-")[-1].split(".")[0] for x in os.listdir(sigin) if "production-" in x) - {"boot", "recovery"} if prods: generate_tclloader_carriter(sigin, sigout, prods)
[docs]def generate_tclloader_carriter(sigin, sigout, prods): """ Iterate carrier variant signature files. :param sigin: Directory containing files to copy. :type sigin: str :param sigout: Directory that files are to be copied to. :type sigout: str :param prods: Set of carriers. :type prods: set(str) """ for carr in prods: generate_tclloader_csig(sigin, sigout, carr)
[docs]def generate_tclloader_mbn(mbnin, mbnout, platform): """ Generate mbn files. :param mbnin: Directory containing files to copy. :type mbnin: str :param mbnout: Directory that files are to be copied to. :type mbnout: str :param platform: Platform type (i.e. subdirectory of target/product). :type platform: str """ files = generate_tclloader_platmbn(platform) point_point_bulk(mbnin, mbnout, files)
[docs]def generate_tclloader_omniset(omnin, omnilist, prefix, suffix, filt): """ Generic function to generate sets. :param omnin: Directory containing files to copy. :type omnin: str :param omnilist: List of variants. :type omnilist: list(str) :param prefix: Prefix, before items in list. :type prefix: str :param suffix: Suffix, after items in list. :type suffix: str :param filt: Filter, required to pick file out of directory listing. :type filt: str """ omfiles = set(os.path.join(omnin, "{1}{0}{2}".format(omni, prefix, suffix)) for omni in omnilist) infiles = set(os.path.join(omnin, filex) for filex in os.listdir(omnin) if filt in filex) return omfiles, infiles
[docs]def generate_tclloader_oemset(oemin, oems): """ Generate sets for OEM variants. :param oemin: Directory containing files to copy. :type oemin: str :param oems: List of OEM variants. :type oems: list(str) """ ofiles, infiles = generate_tclloader_omniset(oemin, oems, "", ".img", "oem_") return ofiles, infiles
[docs]def generate_tclloader_oemfilt(oemin, oems): """ Filter non-existent OEM variants. :param oemin: Directory containing files to copy. :type oemin: str :param oems: List of OEM variants. :type oems: list(str) """ ofiles, infiles = generate_tclloader_oemset(oemin, oems) coll = [os.path.basename(oemf).replace(".img", "") for oemf in ofiles - infiles] oems = [oemp for oemp in oems if oemp not in coll] return oems
[docs]def generate_tclloader_radset(radin, rads): """ Generate sets for radio variants. :param radin: Directory containing files to copy. :type radin: str :param rads: List of radio variants. :type rads: list(str) """ rfiles, infiles = generate_tclloader_omniset(radin, rads, "NON-HLOS-", ".bin", "NON-HLOS-") return rfiles, infiles
[docs]def generate_tclloader_radfilt(radin, rads): """ Filter non-existent radio variants. :param radin: Directory containing files to copy. :type radin: str :param rads: List of radio variants. :type rads: list(str) """ rfiles, infiles = generate_tclloader_radset(radin, rads) coll = [os.path.basename(radf).replace(".bin", "").replace("NON-HLOS-", "") for radf in rfiles - infiles] rads = [radp for radp in rads if radp not in coll] return rads
[docs]def generate_tclloader_deps(platform): """ Generate platform-specific file names. :param platform: Platform type (i.e. subdirectory of target/product). :type platform: str """ if platform == "bbry_qc8953": # KEYone oems = ["oem_att", "oem_china", "oem_common", "oem_sprint", "oem_vzw", "oem_indonesia", "oem_russia"] radios = ["china", "dschina", "emea", "global", "india", "japan", "usa"] elif platform == "bbry_qc8953krypton": # Motion oems = ["oem_att", "oem_common", "oem_sprint", "oem_russia"] radios = ["americas", "cdma", "dscn", "dsglobal", "ssglobal"] elif platform == "bbry_sdm660": # KEY2 oems = ["oem_att", "oem_china", "oem_common", "oem_india", "oem_indonesia", "oem_sprint", "oem_russia", "oem_eea"] radios = ["americas", "cn", "dsglobal", "dsjapan", "global", "japan"] elif platform == "bbry_sdm636": # KEY2LE oems = ["oem_china", "oem_common", "oem_india", "oem_russia", "oem_eea"] radios = ["americas", "dsamericas", "global", "dsglobal", "dscn"] return oems, radios
[docs]def generate_tclloader_looseends(imgout, platform): """ Handle files that need to be handled. :param imgout: Directory that files are to be copied to. :type imgout: str :param platform: Platform type (i.e. subdirectory of target/product). :type platform: str """ if platform == "bbry_qc8953": # KEYone pass # no special exceptions elif platform == "bbry_qc8953krypton": # Motion looseends_krypton(imgout) elif platform in ("bbry_sdm660", "bbry_sdm636"): # KEY2/KEY2LE pass # no special exceptions
[docs]def looseends_krypton(imgout): """ Handle files that need to be handled, for the Motion platform. :param imgout: Directory that files are to be copied to. :type imgout: str """ oldglobal = os.path.join(imgout, "NON-HLOS-ssglobal.bin") newglobal = os.path.join(imgout, "NON-HLOS-global.bin") os.rename(oldglobal, newglobal) # SS intl model has different name than modem oldamericas = os.path.join(imgout, "NON-HLOS-americas.bin") newamericas = os.path.join(imgout, "NON-HLOS-dsamericas.bin") shutil.copy(oldamericas, newamericas) # DS/SS americas model use same modem
[docs]def generate_tclloader_platimg(platform): """ Generate platform-specific .img files. :param platform: Platform type (i.e. subdirectory of target/product). :type platform: str """ imgs = ["recovery", "system", "userdata", "cache", "boot"] if platform in ("bbry_sdm660", "bbry_sdm636"): imgs.append("vendor") return imgs
[docs]def generate_tclloader_platmbn(platform): """ Generate platform-specific MBN files. :param platform: Platform type (i.e. subdirectory of target/product). :type platform: str """ if platform in ("bbry_sdm660", "bbry_sdm636"): mbnx = ["devcfg.mbn", "pmic.elf", "xbl.elf", "rpm.mbn", "tz.mbn"] mbny = ["hyp.signed.mbn", "cmnlib.signed.mbn", "cmnlib64.signed.mbn", "keymaster64.signed.mbn", "mdtpsecapp.signed.mbn"] mbnz = [os.path.join("MBNs", mbn) for mbn in mbny] mbns = mbnx + mbnz elif platform in ("bbry_qc8953", "bbry_qc8953krypton"): mbns = ["devcfg.mbn", "devcfg_cn.mbn", "rpm.mbn", "tz.mbn"] else: mbns = [None] return mbns
[docs]def generate_tclloader_platother(platform): """ Generate platform-specific other files. :param platform: Platform type (i.e. subdirectory of target/product). :type platform: str """ if platform in ("bbry_sdm660", "bbry_sdm636"): others = ["dspso.bin", "BTFM.bin", "abl.elf"] elif platform in ("bbry_qc8953", "bbry_qc8953krypton"): others = ["adspso.bin", "emmc_appsboot.mbn", "sbl1_signed.mbn"] else: others = [None] return others
[docs]def generate_tclloader_img(imgin, imgout, platform): """ Generate partition images and radios. :param imgin: Directory containing files to copy. :type imgin: str :param imgout: Directory that files are to be copied to. :type imgout: str :param platform: Platform type (i.e. subdirectory of target/product). :type platform: str """ imgs = generate_tclloader_platimg(platform) point_point_bulk(imgin, imgout, ["{0}.img".format(img) for img in imgs]) oems, radios = generate_tclloader_deps(platform) oems = generate_tclloader_oemfilt(imgin, oems) point_point_bulk(imgin, imgout, ["{0}.img".format(oem) for oem in oems]) radios = generate_tclloader_radfilt(imgin, radios) point_point_bulk(imgin, imgout, ["NON-HLOS-{0}.bin".format(rad) for rad in radios]) others = generate_tclloader_platother(platform) point_point_bulk(imgin, imgout, others) generate_tclloader_looseends(imgout, platform)
[docs]def generate_tclloader_scripttype(platform): """ Get the right scripts for the right platform. :param platform: Platform type (i.e. subdirectory of target/product). :type platform: str """ if platform in ("bbry_sdm660", "bbry_sdm636"): scripts = (bbconstants.FLASHBATBBF.location, bbconstants.FLASHSHBBF.location) elif platform in ("bbry_qc8953", "bbry_qc8953krypton"): scripts = (bbconstants.FLASHBAT.location, bbconstants.FLASHSH.location) else: scripts = (None, None) return scripts
[docs]def generate_tclloader(localdir, dirname, platform, localtools=False, wipe=True): """ Generate Android loader from extracted template files. :param localdir: Directory containing extracted template files. :type localdir: str :param dirname: Name for final directory and loader. :type dirname: str :param platform: Platform type (i.e. subdirectory of target/product). :type platform: str :param localtools: If host files will be copied from a template rather than a download. Default is False. :type localtools: bool :param wipe: If the final loader wipes userdata. Default is True. :type wipe: bool """ if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) hostdir = os.path.join(dirname, "host") os.makedirs(hostdir) imgdir = os.path.join(dirname, "img") os.makedirs(imgdir) platscripts = generate_tclloader_scripttype(platform) generate_tclloader_script(dirname, platscripts[0], platscripts[1], wipe) if localtools: hdir = os.path.join(localdir, "host") generate_tclloader_host(hdir, hostdir) else: platdir = "plattools" generate_google_host(platdir, hostdir) pdir = os.path.join(localdir, "target", "product", platform) generate_tclloader_img(pdir, imgdir, platform) sdir = os.path.join(pdir, "sig") generate_tclloader_sig(sdir, imgdir) generate_tclloader_carriers(sdir, imgdir) qdir = os.path.join(pdir, "qcbc") generate_tclloader_mbn(qdir, imgdir, platform)