Source code for bbarchivist.jsonutils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""This module is used for JSON tools."""

import glob  # filenames
import os  # path work
import sys  # frozen status

from bbarchivist import bbconstants  # file location
from bbarchivist import decorators  # enter to exit
from bbarchivist import utilities  # lprint

    import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
    import json

__author__ = "Thurask"
__license__ = "WTFPL v2"
__copyright__ = "2015-2018 Thurask"

[docs]def grab_json(filename): """ Figure out where JSON is, local or system-supplied. :param filename: Desired JSON database name. :type filename: str """ jfile = None try: jfile = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "json"))[0] except IndexError: jfile = bbconstants.JSONDIR jfile = os.path.join(jfile, "{0}.json".format(filename)) return os.path.abspath(jfile)
[docs]def load_json(table, jfile=None): """ Load JSON file, return specific table (dict or list). :param table: Name of sub-structure to return. :type table: str :param jfile: Path to JSON file. :type jfile: str """ if jfile is None: jfile = grab_json(table) with open(jfile) as thefile: data = json.load(thefile) return data[table]
[docs]def extract_cert_secret(key, device): """ Check if device is marked as secret. :param key: Device entry. :type key: dict :param device: HWID, FCCID or name of device. :param device: str """ not_secret = device in key['name'] and 'secret' not in key return not_secret
[docs]def extract_cert_check(key, device, not_secret): """ Check function for extracting PTCRB info. :param key: Device entry. :type key: dict :param device: HWID, FCCID or name of device. :type device: str :param not_secret: If device is not market as secret. :type not_secret: bool """ keylist = key['hwid'], key['fccid'], key['ptcrbid'] goforit = (device in keylist or not_secret) and key['ptcrbid'] return goforit
[docs]def extract_cert(table, device): """ Extract PTCRB info from a list of dicts. :param table: List of device entries. :type table: list(dict) :param device: HWID, FCCID or name of device. :type device: str """ for key in table: not_secret = extract_cert_secret(key, device) goforit = extract_cert_check(key, device, not_secret) if goforit: device = key['device'] name = key['name'] ptcrbid = key['ptcrbid'] hwid = key['hwid'] fccid = key['fccid'] break else: fubar("NO PTCRBID!") return name, ptcrbid, hwid, fccid
[docs]def list_available_certs(table): """ List all certified devices in a device table. :param table: List of device entries. :type table: list(dict) """ for key in table: if key['ptcrbid']: hwid = "NO HWID" if not key['hwid'] else key['hwid'] print("{0} {1} - {2} - {3}".format(key['device'], key['name'], hwid, key['fccid']))
[docs]def list_devices(table): """ List all devices, certified or not, in a device table. :param table: List of device entries. :type table: list(dict) """ for key in table: hwid = "NO HWID" if not key['hwid'] else key['hwid'] fccid = "NO FCCID" if not key['fccid'] else key['fccid'] print("{0} {1} - {2} - {3}".format(key['device'], key['name'], hwid, fccid))
[docs]def list_prds(table): """ List all PRDs in a PRD table. :param table: Dictionary of device : PRD list pairs. :type table: dict(str: list) """ for key in table.keys(): print("~{0}~".format(key)) for prd in table[key]: print(prd)
[docs]def certchecker_prep(table, device): """ Extract model, family and HWID from a device table. :param table: List of device entries. :type table: list(dict) :param device: HWID, FCCID or name of device. :type device: str """ for key in table: if 'secret' not in key and key['name'] == device: model = key['device'] family = key['family'] hwid = key['hwid'] break else: fubar("INVALID DEVICE!") return model, family, hwid
[docs]def read_family(table, device): """ Get all devices of a given family in a device table. :param table: List of device entries. :type table: list(dict) :param device: HWID, FCCID or name of device. :type device: str """ famlist = [key['fccid'] for key in table if key['ptcrbid'] and key['device'] == device] return famlist
[docs]def list_family(table): """ List all valid (certified) families in a device table. :param table: List of device entries. :type table: list(dict) """ famlist = list({key['device'] for key in table if 'secret' not in key and key['ptcrbid']}) utilities.lprint(famlist)
[docs]def fubar(message): """ What to do when things go bad. :param message: Error message. :type message: str """ print(message) decorators.enter_to_exit(True) if not getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): raise SystemExit