Source code for bbarchivist.gpgutils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""This module is used to generate file PGP signatures."""

import concurrent.futures  # parallelization
import os  # path work

import gnupg  # interface b/w Python, GPG
from bbarchivist import bbconstants  # premade stuff
from bbarchivist import exceptions  # exceptions
from bbarchivist import hashutils  # filter stuff
from bbarchivist import iniconfig  # config parsing
from bbarchivist import utilities  # cores

__author__ = "Thurask"
__license__ = "WTFPL v2"
__copyright__ = "2015-2018 Thurask"

[docs]def gpgrunner(workingdir, keyid=None, pword=None, selective=False): """ Create ASCII-armored PGP signatures for all files in a given directory, in parallel. :param workingdir: Path containing files you wish to verify. :type workingdir: str :param keyid: Key to use. 8-character hexadecimal, with or without 0x. :type keyid: str :param pword: Passphrase for given key. :type pword: str :param selective: Filtering filenames/extensions. Default is false. :type selective: bool """ try: gpg = gnupg.GPG(options=["--no-use-agent"]) except ValueError: print("COULD NOT FIND GnuPG!") raise SystemExit else: gpgrunner_clean(gpg, workingdir, keyid, pword, selective)
[docs]def gpgfile(filepath, gpginst, key=None, pword=None): """ Make ASCII-armored signature files with a given private key. Takes an instance of gnupg.GPG(). :param filepath: File you wish to verify. :type filepath: str :param gpginst: Instance of Python GnuPG executable. :type gpginst: gnupg.GPG() :param key: Key ID. 0xABCDEF01 :type key: str :param pword: Passphrase for key. :type pword: str """ with open(filepath, "rb") as file: fname = + ".asc" gpginst.sign_file(file, detach=True, keyid=key, passphrase=pword, output=fname)
[docs]def prep_gpgkeyid(keyid=None): """ Prepare GPG key ID. :param keyid: Key to use. 8-character hexadecimal, with or without 0x. :type keyid: str """ return "0x" + keyid.upper() if not keyid.startswith("0x") else keyid.upper().replace("X", "x")
[docs]def prep_gpgrunner(workingdir, keyid=None): """ Prepare key and files for gpgrunner function. :param workingdir: Path containing files you wish to verify. :type workingdir: str :param keyid: Key to use. 8-character hexadecimal, with or without 0x. :type keyid: str """ keyid = prep_gpgkeyid(keyid) dirlist = os.listdir(workingdir) files = [file for file in dirlist if hashutils.filefilter(file, workingdir)] return keyid, files
[docs]def gpgrunner_clean(gpg, workingdir, keyid=None, pword=None, selective=False): """ Run GPG signature generation after filtering out errors. :param gpg: Instance of Python GnuPG executable. :type gpg: gnupg.GPG() :param workingdir: Path containing files you wish to verify. :type workingdir: str :param keyid: Key to use. 8-character hexadecimal, with or without 0x. :type keyid: str :param pword: Passphrase for given key. :type pword: str :param selective: Filtering filenames/extensions. Default is false. :type selective: bool """ keyid, files = prep_gpgrunner(workingdir, keyid) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=utilities.cpu_workers(files)) as xec: for file in files: gpgwriter(gpg, xec, file, workingdir, selective, keyid, pword)
[docs]def gpg_supps(selective=False): """ Prepare list of support files. :param selective: Filtering filenames/extensions. Default is false. :type selective: bool """ sup = bbconstants.SUPPS + (".txt",) if selective else bbconstants.SUPPS return sup
[docs]def gpg_prepends(file, selective=False): """ Check if file matches certain criteria. :param file: File inside workingdir that is being verified. :type file: str :param selective: Filtering filenames/extensions. Default is false. :type selective: bool """ aps = bbconstants.ARCSPLUS pfx = bbconstants.PREFIXES sentinel = (utilities.prepends(file, pfx, aps)) if selective else True return sentinel
[docs]def gpgwriter(gpg, xec, file, workingdir, selective=False, keyid=None, pword=None): """ Write individual GPG signatures. :param gpg: Instance of Python GnuPG executable. :type gpg: gnupg.GPG() :param xec: ThreadPoolExecutor instance. :type xec: concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor :param file: File inside workingdir that is being verified. :type file: str :param workingdir: Path containing files you wish to verify. :type workingdir: str :param selective: Filtering filenames/extensions. Default is false. :type selective: bool :param keyid: Key to use. 8-character hexadecimal, with or without 0x. :type keyid: str :param pword: Passphrase for given key. :type pword: str """ sup = gpg_supps(selective) if not file.endswith(sup): if gpg_prepends(file, selective): gpgwriter_clean(gpg, xec, file, workingdir, keyid, pword)
[docs]def gpgwriter_clean(gpg, xec, file, workingdir, keyid=None, pword=None): """ Write individual GPG signatures after filtering file list. :param gpg: Instance of Python GnuPG executable. :type gpg: gnupg.GPG() :param xec: ThreadPoolExecutor instance. :type xec: concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor :param file: File inside workingdir that is being verified. :type file: str :param workingdir: Path containing files you wish to verify. :type workingdir: str :param keyid: Key to use. 8-character hexadecimal, with or without 0x. :type keyid: str :param pword: Passphrase for given key. :type pword: str """ print("VERIFYING:", os.path.basename(file)) thepath = os.path.join(workingdir, file) try: xec.submit(gpgfile, thepath, gpg, keyid, pword) except Exception as exc: exceptions.handle_exception(exc)
[docs]def gpg_config_loader(homepath=None): """ Read a ConfigParser file to get PGP key, password (optional) :param homepath: Folder containing ini file. Default is user directory. :type homepath: str """ config = iniconfig.generic_loader('gpgrunner', homepath) gpgkey = config.get('key', fallback=None) gpgpass = config.get('pass', fallback=None) return gpgkey, gpgpass
[docs]def gpg_config_writer(key=None, password=None, homepath=None): """ Write a ConfigParser file to store PGP key, password (optional) :param key: Key ID, leave as None to not write. :type key: str :param password: Key password, leave as None to not write. :type password: str :param homepath: Folder containing ini file. Default is user directory. :type homepath: str """ results = {} if key is not None: results["key"] = key if password is not None: results["pass"] = password iniconfig.generic_writer("gpgrunner", results, homepath)