Source code for bbarchivist.decorators

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""This module is used for decorators."""

import math  # rounding
import os  # path check
import sqlite3  # the sql library
import sys  # frozen

from bbarchivist import compat  # backwards compat
from bbarchivist import dummy  # useless stdout
from bbarchivist import exceptions  # exceptions

__author__ = "Thurask"
__license__ = "WTFPL v2"
__copyright__ = "2015-2018 Thurask"

[docs]def wrap_keyboard_except(method): """ Decorator to absorb KeyboardInterrupt. :param method: Method to use. :type method: function """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """ Try function, absorb KeyboardInterrupt and leave gracefully. """ try: method(*args, **kwargs) except KeyboardInterrupt: dummy.UselessStdout.write("ASDASDASD") return wrapper
[docs]def timer(method): """ Decorator to time a function. :param method: Method to time. :type method: function """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """ Start clock, do function with args, print rounded elapsed time. """ starttime = compat.perf_clock() method(*args, **kwargs) endtime = compat.perf_clock() - starttime endtime_proper = math.ceil(endtime * 100) / 100 # rounding mins, secs = divmod(endtime_proper, 60) hrs, mins = divmod(mins, 60) print("COMPLETED IN {0:02d}:{1:02d}:{2:02d}".format(int(hrs), int(mins), int(secs))) return wrapper
[docs]def sql_excepthandler(integrity): """ Decorator to handle sqlite3.Error. :param integrity: Whether to allow sqlite3.IntegrityError. :type integrity: bool """ def exceptdecorator(method): """ Call function in sqlite3.Error try/except block. :param method: Method to use. :type method: function """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """ Try function, handle sqlite3.Error, optionally pass sqlite3.IntegrityError. """ return sql_exceptwrapper(method, integrity, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper return exceptdecorator
[docs]def sql_exceptwrapper(method, integrity, *args, **kwargs): """ Try function, handle sqlite3.Error, optionally pass sqlite3.IntegrityError. :param method: Method to use. :type method: function :param integrity: Whether to allow sqlite3.IntegrityError. :type integrity: bool """ try: result = method(*args, **kwargs) return result except sqlite3.IntegrityError if bool(integrity) else exceptions.DummyException: dummy.UselessStdout.write("ASDASDASD") # DummyException never going to happen except sqlite3.Error as sqerror: print(sqerror)
[docs]def sql_existhandler(sqlpath): """ Decorator to check if SQL database exists. :param sqlpath: Path to SQL database. :type sqlpath: str """ def existdecorator(method): """ Call function if SQL database exists. :param method: Method to use. :type method: function """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """ Check existence of database, leave if it doesn't. """ if os.path.exists(sqlpath): result = method(*args, **kwargs) return result else: print("NO SQL DATABASE FOUND!") raise SystemExit return wrapper return existdecorator
[docs]def enter_to_exit(checkfreeze=True): """ Press enter to exit a script. :param checkfreeze: If this triggers only in frozen executables. Default is true. :type checkfreeze: bool """ greenlight = bool(getattr(sys, 'frozen', False)) if checkfreeze else True if greenlight: smeg = input("Press Enter to exit") if smeg or not smeg: raise SystemExit