Source code for bbarchivist.barutils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""This module is used to operate with bar files."""

import base64  # encoding for hashes
import hashlib  # get hashes
import os  # filesystem read
import shutil  # folder operations
import zipfile  # zip extract, zip compresssion

from bbarchivist import bbconstants  # premade stuff
from bbarchivist import exceptions  # exception handling
from bbarchivist import utilities  # platform determination

__author__ = "Thurask"
__license__ = "WTFPL v2"
__copyright__ = "2015-2018 Thurask"

[docs]def extract_bars(filepath): """ Extract .signed files from .bar files. Use system zlib. :param filepath: Path to bar file directory. :type filepath: str """ try: for file in os.listdir(filepath): extract_individual_bar(file, filepath) except (RuntimeError, OSError) as exc: exceptions.handle_exception(exc, "EXTRACTION FAILURE", None)
[docs]def extract_individual_bar(file, filepath): """ Generate bar file contents and extract signed files. :param file: Bar file to extract. :type file: str :param filepath: Path to bar file directory. :type filepath: str """ if file.endswith(".bar"): print("EXTRACTING: {0}".format(file)) zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(filepath, file), 'r') names = zfile.namelist() extract_signed_file(zfile, names, filepath)
[docs]def extract_signed_file(zfile, names, filepath): """ Extract signed file from a provided bar. :param zfile: Open (!!!) ZipFile instance. :type zfile: zipfile.ZipFile :param names: List of bar file contents. :type names: list(str) :param filepath: Path to bar file directory. :type filepath: str """ for name in names: if str(name).endswith(".signed"): zfile.extract(name, filepath)
[docs]def get_sha512_manifest(zfile): """ Get MANIFEST.MF from a bar file. :param zfile: Open (!!!) ZipFile instance. :type zfile: zipfile.ZipFile """ names = zfile.namelist() manifest = None for name in names: if name.endswith("MANIFEST.MF"): manifest = name break if manifest is None: raise SystemExit return manifest
[docs]def get_sha512_from_manifest(manf): """ Retrieve asset name and hash from MANIFEST.MF file. :param manf: Content of MANIFEST.MF file, in bytes. :type manf: list(bytes) """ alist = [] for idx, line in enumerate(manf): if line.endswith(b"signed"): alist.append(manf[idx]) alist.append(manf[idx + 1]) assetname = alist[0].split(b": ")[1] assethash = alist[1].split(b": ")[1] return assetname, assethash
[docs]def retrieve_sha512(filename): """ Get the premade, Base64 encoded SHA512 hash of a signed file in a bar. :param filename: Bar file to check. :type filename: str """ try: zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'r') manifest = get_sha512_manifest(zfile) manf = assetname, assethash = get_sha512_from_manifest(manf) return assetname, assethash # (b"blabla.signed", b"somehash") except (RuntimeError, OSError, zipfile.BadZipFile) as exc: exceptions.handle_exception(exc, "EXTRACTION FAILURE", None)
[docs]def verify_sha512(filename, inithash): """ Compare the original hash value with the current. :param filename: Signed file to check. :type filename: str :param inithash: Original SHA512 hash, as bytestring. :type inithash: bytes """ sha512 = hashlib.sha512() with open(filename, 'rb') as file: while True: data = * 1024 * 1024) if not data: break sha512.update(data) rawdigest = sha512.digest() # must be bytestring, not hexadecimalized str b64h = base64.b64encode(rawdigest, altchars=b"-_") # replace some chars b64h = b64h.strip(b"==") # remove padding return b64h == inithash
[docs]def bar_tester(filepath): """ Use zipfile in order to test a bar for errors. :param filepath: Path to bar file. :type filepath: str """ try: with zipfile.ZipFile(filepath, "r") as zfile: brokens = zfile.testzip() except zipfile.BadZipFile: brokens = filepath return brokens
[docs]def remove_empty_folder(curdir, subdirs, files): """ Remove a folder if it's empty. :param curdir: Target folder. :type curdir: str :param subdirs: Subdirectories inside target folder. :type subdirs: list(str) :param files: Files inside target folder. :type files: list(str) """ while True: try: indiv_folder_remove(curdir, subdirs, files) except OSError: continue except NotImplementedError: break break
[docs]def indiv_folder_remove(curdir, subdirs, files): """ Remove a folder if it's empty, the actual function. :param curdir: Target folder. :type curdir: str :param subdirs: Subdirectories inside target folder. :type subdirs: list(str) :param files: Files inside target folder. :type files: list(str) """ if not subdirs and not files: os.rmdir(curdir)
[docs]def remove_empty_folders(a_folder): """ Remove empty folders in a given folder using os.walk(). :param a_folder: Target folder. :type a_folder: str """ for curdir, subdirs, files in os.walk(a_folder): remove_empty_folder(curdir, subdirs, files)
[docs]def persistent_remove(afile): """ Remove a file, and if it doesn't want to remove, keep at it. :param afile: Path to file you want terminated with extreme prejudice. :type afile: str """ while True: try: os.remove(afile) except OSError: continue else: break
[docs]def remove_signed_files(a_folder): """ Remove signed files from a given folder. :param a_folder: Target folder. :type a_folder: str """ files = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(a_folder, file)) for file in os.listdir(a_folder)] for afile in files: if afile.endswith(".signed") and os.path.exists(afile): print("REMOVING: {0}".format(os.path.basename(afile))) persistent_remove(afile)
[docs]def remove_unpacked_loaders(osdir, raddir, radios): """ Remove uncompressed loader folders. :param osdir: OS loader folder. :type osdir: str :param raddir: Radio loader folder. :type raddir: str :param radios: If we made radios this run. :type radios: bool """ utilities.cond_do(shutil.rmtree, [osdir, raddir], condition=radios)
[docs]def create_blitz(a_folder, swver): """ Create a blitz file: a zipped archive of all app/core/radio bars. :param a_folder: Target folder. :type a_folder: str :param swver: Software version to title the blitz. :type swver: str """ fname = "Blitz-{0}.zip".format(swver) with zipfile.ZipFile(fname, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=True) as zfile: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(a_folder): del dirs for file in files: print("ZIPPING: {0}".format(utilities.stripper(file))) abs_filename = os.path.join(root, file) abs_arcname = os.path.basename(abs_filename) zfile.write(abs_filename, abs_arcname)
[docs]def move_loaders_prep(ldir, suf): """ Prepare a list of filenames for moving loaders. :param ldir: :type ldir: str :param suf: Suffix(es) to check. :type suf: str or list or tuple """ pfx = bbconstants.PREFIXES loaders = [os.path.join(ldir, file) for file in os.listdir(ldir) if utilities.prepends(file, pfx, suf)] return loaders
[docs]def move_loaders(ldir, exedir_os, exedir_rad, zipdir_os, zipdir_rad): """ Move autoloaders to zipped and loaders directories in localdir. :param ldir: Local directory, containing files you wish to move. :type ldir: str :param exedir_os: Large autoloader .exe destination. :type exedir_os: str :param exedir_rad: Small autoloader .exe destination. :type exedir_rad: str :param zipdir_os: Large autoloader archive destination. :type zipdir_os: str :param zipdir_rad: Small autoloader archive destination. :type zipdir_rad: str """ arx = bbconstants.ARCS loaders = move_loaders_prep(ldir, ".exe") move_loader_pairs(loaders, exedir_os, exedir_rad) zippeds = move_loaders_prep(ldir, arx) move_loader_pairs(zippeds, zipdir_os, zipdir_rad)
[docs]def move_loader_pairs(files, dir_os, dir_rad): """ Move autoloaders to zipped/loaders directories. :param files: List of autoloader files. :type files: list(str) :param dir_os: Large autoloader destination. :type dir_os: str :param dir_rad: Small autoloader destination. :type dir_rad: str """ for file in files: print("MOVING: {0}".format(os.path.basename(file))) dest_os = os.path.join(dir_os, os.path.basename(file)) dest_rad = os.path.join(dir_rad, os.path.basename(file)) loader_sorter(file, dest_os, dest_rad)
[docs]def dirsizer(file, osdir, raddir, maxsize=90 * 1000 * 1000): """ Return output directory based in input filesize. :param file: The file to sort. Absolute paths, please. :type file: str :param osdir: Large file destination. :type osdir: str :param raddir: Small file destination. :type raddir: str :param maxsize: Return osdir if filesize > maxsize else raddir. Default is 90MB. :type maxsize: int """ return osdir if os.path.getsize(file) > maxsize else raddir
[docs]def loader_sorter(file, osdir, raddir): """ Sort loaders based on size. :param file: The file to sort. Absolute paths, please. :type file: str :param osdir: Large file destination. :type osdir: str :param raddir: Small file destination. :type raddir: str """ outdir = dirsizer(file, osdir, raddir) persistent_move(file, outdir)
[docs]def move_bars(localdir, osdir, radiodir): """ Move bar files to subfolders of a given folder. :param localdir: Directory to use. :type localdir: str :param osdir: OS file directory (large bars). :type osdir: str :param radiodir: Radio file directory (small bars). :type radiodir: str """ for files in os.listdir(localdir): if files.endswith(".bar"): print("MOVING: {0}".format(files)) herefile = os.path.join(localdir, files) outdir = dirsizer(herefile, osdir, radiodir) atomic_move(herefile, outdir)
[docs]def persistent_move(infile, outdir): """ Move file to given folder, removing file if it exists in folder. :param infile: Path to file to move. :type infile: str :param outdir: Directory to move to. :type outdir: str """ while True: try: shutil.move(infile, outdir) except shutil.Error: os.remove(infile) continue break
[docs]def atomic_move(infile, outdir): """ Move file to given folder, removing if things break. :param infile: Path to file to move. :type infile: str :param outdir: Directory to move to. :type outdir: str """ try: shutil.move(infile, outdir) except shutil.Error: os.remove(os.path.join(outdir, infile))
[docs]def replace_bar_pair(localdir, osfile, radfile): """ Move pair of OS and radio bars to a given folder. :param localdir: Final bar directory. :type localdir: str :param osfile: Path to OS file. :type osfile: str :param radfile: Path to radio file. :type radfile: str """ shutil.move(osfile, localdir) shutil.move(radfile, localdir)
[docs]def replace_bars_bulk(localdir, barfiles): """ Move set of OS and radio bars to a given folder. :param localdir: Final bar directory. :type localdir: str :param barfiles: List of OS/radio file paths. :type barfiles: list(str) """ for barfile in barfiles: shutil.move(barfile, os.path.abspath(localdir))
[docs]def make_folder(localdir, root): """ Make a folder if it doesn't exist. :param localdir: Top level folder. :type localdir: str :param root: Folder to create. :type root: str """ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(localdir, root)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(localdir, root), exist_ok=True) return os.path.join(localdir, root)
[docs]def make_dirpairs(localdir, root, osversion, radioversion): """ Create a pair of directories, with OS/radio versions for names. :param localdir: Top level folder. :type localdir: str :param root: Name for folder containing OS/radio pairs. :type root: str :param osversion: OS version. :type osversion: str :param radioversion: Radio version. :type radioversion: str """ rootdir = make_folder(localdir, root) osdir = make_folder(rootdir, osversion) radiodir = make_folder(rootdir, radioversion) return osdir, radiodir
[docs]def make_dirs(localdir, osversion, radioversion): """ Create the directory tree needed for archivist/lazyloader. :param localdir: Root folder. :type localdir: str :param osversion: OS version. :type osversion: str :param radioversion: Radio version. :type radioversion: str """ os.makedirs(localdir, exist_ok=True) bardir_os, bardir_radio = make_dirpairs(localdir, "bars", osversion, radioversion) loaderdir_os, loaderdir_radio = make_dirpairs(localdir, "loaders", osversion, radioversion) zipdir_os, zipdir_radio = make_dirpairs(localdir, "zipped", osversion, radioversion) return (bardir_os, bardir_radio, loaderdir_os, loaderdir_radio, zipdir_os, zipdir_radio)