Source code for bbarchivist.archiveutils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""This module is used to operate with archives."""

import os  # filesystem read
import tarfile  # txz/tbz/tgz/tar compression
import zipfile  # zip compresssion

from bbarchivist import barutils  # zip tester
from bbarchivist import bbconstants  # premade stuff
from bbarchivist import decorators  # timer
from bbarchivist import iniconfig  # config parsing
from bbarchivist import sevenziputils  # 7z
from bbarchivist import utilities  # platform determination

__author__ = "Thurask"
__license__ = "WTFPL v2"
__copyright__ = "2015-2018 Thurask"

[docs]def smart_is_tarfile(filepath): """ :func:`tarfile.is_tarfile` plus error handling. :param filepath: Filename. :type filepath: str """ try: istar = tarfile.is_tarfile(filepath) except (OSError, IOError): return False else: return istar
[docs]def generic_tarfile_verify(filepath, method): """ Verify that a tar/tgz/tbz/txz file is valid and working. :param filepath: Filename. :type filepath: str :param method: Tarfile read method. :type method: str """ if smart_is_tarfile(filepath): with, method) as thefile: mems = thefile.getmembers() sentinel = False if not mems else True else: sentinel = False return sentinel
[docs]def generic_tarfile_compress(archivename, filename, method, strength=5): """ Pack a file into an uncompressed/gzip/bzip2/LZMA tarfile. :param archivename: Archive name. :type archivename: str :param filename: Name of file to pack into archive. :type filename: str :param method: Tarfile compress method. :type method: str :param strength: Compression strength. 5 is normal, 9 is ultra. :type strength: int """ nocomp = ["w:", "w:xz"] # methods w/o compression: tar, tar.xz if method in nocomp: generic_nocompresslevel(archivename, filename, method) else: generic_compresslevel(archivename, filename, method, strength)
[docs]def generic_compresslevel(archivename, filename, method, strength=5): """ Pack a file into a gzip/bzip2 tarfile. :param archivename: Archive name. :type archivename: str :param filename: Name of file to pack into archive. :type filename: str :param method: Tarfile compress method. :type method: str :param strength: Compression strength. 5 is normal, 9 is ultra. :type strength: int """ with, method, compresslevel=strength) as afile: afile.add(filename, filter=None, arcname=os.path.basename(filename))
[docs]def generic_nocompresslevel(archivename, filename, method): """ Pack a file into an uncompressed/LZMA tarfile. :param archivename: Archive name. :type archivename: str :param filename: Name of file to pack into archive. :type filename: str :param method: Tarfile compress method. :type method: str """ with, method) as afile: afile.add(filename, filter=None, arcname=os.path.basename(filename))
@decorators.timer def tar_compress(filepath, filename): """ Pack a file into an uncompressed tarfile. :param filepath: Basename of file, no extension. :type filepath: str :param filename: Name of file to pack. :type filename: str """ generic_tarfile_compress("{0}.tar".format(filepath), filename, "w:")
[docs]def tar_verify(filepath): """ Verify that a tar file is valid and working. :param filepath: Filename. :type filepath: str """ return generic_tarfile_verify(filepath, "r:")
@decorators.timer def tgz_compress(filepath, filename, strength=5): """ Pack a file into a gzip tarfile. :param filepath: Basename of file, no extension. :type filepath: str :param filename: Name of file to pack. :type filename: str :param strength: Compression strength. 5 is normal, 9 is ultra. :type strength: int """ generic_tarfile_compress("{0}.tar.gz".format(filepath), filename, "w:gz", strength)
[docs]def tgz_verify(filepath): """ Verify that a tar.gz file is valid and working. :param filepath: Filename. :type filepath: str """ return generic_tarfile_verify(filepath, "r:gz")
@decorators.timer def tbz_compress(filepath, filename, strength=5): """ Pack a file into a bzip2 tarfile. :param filepath: Basename of file, no extension. :type filepath: str :param filename: Name of file to pack. :type filename: str :param strength: Compression strength. 5 is normal, 9 is ultra. :type strength: int """ generic_tarfile_compress("{0}.tar.bz2".format(filepath), filename, "w:bz2", strength)
[docs]def tbz_verify(filepath): """ Verify that a tar.bz2 file is valid and working. :param filepath: Filename. :type filepath: str """ return generic_tarfile_verify(filepath, "r:bz2")
@decorators.timer def txz_compress(filepath, filename): """ Pack a file into a LZMA tarfile. :param filepath: Basename of file, no extension. :type filepath: str :param filename: Name of file to pack. :type filename: str """ if not utilities.new_enough(3): pass else: generic_tarfile_compress("{0}.tar.xz".format(filepath), filename, "w:xz")
[docs]def txz_verify(filepath): """ Verify that a tar.xz file is valid and working. :param filepath: Filename. :type filepath: str """ if not utilities.new_enough(3): sentinel = None else: sentinel = generic_tarfile_verify(filepath, "r:xz") return sentinel
@decorators.timer def zip_compress(filepath, filename): """ Pack a file into a DEFLATE zipfile. :param filepath: Basename of file, no extension. :type filepath: str :param filename: Name of file to pack. :type filename: str """ zipf = "{0}.zip".format(filepath) with zipfile.ZipFile(zipf, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=True) as zfile: zfile.write(filename, arcname=os.path.basename(filename))
[docs]def zip_verify(filepath): """ Verify that a .zip file is valid and working. :param filepath: Filename. :type filepath: str """ if zipfile.is_zipfile(filepath): brokens = barutils.bar_tester(filepath) sentinel = True if brokens != filepath else False else: sentinel = False return sentinel
[docs]def filter_method(method, szexe=None): """ Make sure methods are OK. :param method: Compression method to use. :type method: str :param szexe: Path to 7z executable, if needed. :type szexe: str """ if not utilities.new_enough(3) and method == "txz": method = "zip" # fallback method = filter_method_nosz(method, szexe) return method
[docs]def filter_method_nosz(method, szexe=None): """ Make sure 7-Zip is OK. :param method: Compression method to use. :type method: str :param szexe: Path to 7z executable, if needed. :type szexe: str """ if method == "7z" and szexe is None: ifexists = utilities.prep_seven_zip() # see if 7z exists if not ifexists: method = "zip" # fallback else: szexe = utilities.get_seven_zip(False) return method
[docs]def calculate_strength(): """ Determine zip/gzip/bzip2 strength by OS bit setting. """ strength = 9 if utilities.is_amd64() else 5 return strength
[docs]def filter_with_boolfilt(files, criterion, critargs): """ Return everything that matches criterion. :param files: Files to work on. :type files: list(str) :param criterion: Function to use for evaluation. :type criterion: func :param critargs: Arguments for function, other than file. :type critargs: list """ return [file for file in files if criterion(file, *critargs)]
[docs]def filter_without_boolfilt(files, criterion, critargs): """ Return everything that doesn't match criterion. :param files: Files to work on. :type files: list(str) :param criterion: Function to use for evaluation. :type criterion: func :param critargs: Arguments for function, other than file. :type critargs: list """ return [file for file in files if not criterion(file, *critargs)]
[docs]def filtercomp(files, criterion, critargs, boolfilt=True): """ :param files: Files to work on. :type files: list(str) :param criterion: Function to use for evaluation. :type criterion: func :param critargs: Arguments for function, other than file. :type critargs: list :param boolfilt: True if comparing criterion, False if comparing not criterion. :type boolfilt: bool """ if boolfilt: fx2 = filter_with_boolfilt(files, criterion, critargs) else: fx2 = filter_without_boolfilt(files, criterion, critargs) return fx2
[docs]def compressfilter_select(filepath, files, selective=False): """ :param filepath: Working directory. Required. :type filepath: str :param files: List of files in filepath. :type files: list(str) :param selective: Only compress autoloaders. Default is false. :type selective: bool/str """ arx = bbconstants.ARCS pfx = bbconstants.PREFIXES if selective is None: filt2 = os.listdir(filepath) elif selective == "arcsonly": filt2 = filtercomp(files, utilities.prepends, ("", arx)) elif selective: filt0 = filtercomp(files, utilities.prepends, (pfx, "")) filt1 = filtercomp(filt0, utilities.prepends, ("", arx), False) # pop archives filt2 = filtercomp(filt1, utilities.prepends, ("", ".exe")) # include exes else: filt2 = filtercomp(files, utilities.prepends, ("", arx), False) # pop archives return filt2
[docs]def compressfilter(filepath, selective=False): """ Filter directory listing of working directory. :param filepath: Working directory. Required. :type filepath: str :param selective: Only compress autoloaders. Default is false. :type selective: bool/str """ files = [file for file in os.listdir(filepath) if not os.path.isdir(file)] filt2 = compressfilter_select(filepath, files, selective) filt3 = [os.path.join(filepath, file) for file in filt2] return filt3
[docs]def prep_compress_function(method="7z", szexe=None, errors=False): """ Prepare compression function and partial arguments. :param method: Compression type. Default is "7z". :type method: str :param szexe: Path to 7z executable, if needed. :type szexe: str :param errors: Print completion status message. Default is false. :type errors: bool """ methods = {"7z": sevenziputils.sz_compress, "tgz": tgz_compress, "txz": txz_compress, "tbz": tbz_compress, "tar": tar_compress, "zip": zip_compress} args = [szexe] if method == "7z" else [] if method in ("7z", "tbz", "tgz"): args.append(calculate_strength()) if method == "7z": args.append(errors) return methods[method], args
[docs]def compress(filepath, method="7z", szexe=None, selective=False, errors=False): """ Compress all autoloader files in a given folder, with a given method. :param filepath: Working directory. Required. :type filepath: str :param method: Compression type. Default is "7z". :type method: str :param szexe: Path to 7z executable, if needed. :type szexe: str :param selective: Only compress autoloaders. Default is false. :type selective: bool :param errors: Print completion status message. Default is false. :type errors: bool """ method = filter_method(method, szexe) files = compressfilter(filepath, selective) for file in files: fname = os.path.basename(file) filename = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] fileloc = os.path.join(filepath, filename) print("COMPRESSING: {0}".format(fname)) compfunc, extargs = prep_compress_function(method, szexe, errors) compfunc(fileloc, file, *extargs) return True
[docs]def tarzip_verifier(file): """ Assign, .tar and .zip verifiers. :param file: Filename. :type file: str """ maps = {".tar.gz": tgz_verify, ".tar.xz": txz_verify, ".tar.bz2": tbz_verify, ".tar": tar_verify, ".zip": zip_verify, ".bar": zip_verify} for key, value in maps.items(): if file.endswith(key): return value(file)
[docs]def decide_verifier(file, szexe=None): """ Decide which verifier function to use. :param file: Filename. :type file: str :param szexe: Path to 7z executable, if needed. :type szexe: str """ print("VERIFYING: {0}".format(file)) if file.endswith(".7z") and szexe is not None: verif = sevenziputils.sz_verify(os.path.abspath(file), szexe) else: verif = tarzip_verifier(file) decide_verifier_printer(file, verif) return verif
[docs]def decide_verifier_printer(file, verif): """ Print status of verifier function. :param file: Filename. :type file: str :param verif: If the file is OK or not. :type verif: bool """ if not verif: print("{0} IS BROKEN!".format(os.path.basename(file))) else: print("{0} OK".format(os.path.basename(file)))
[docs]def verify(filepath, method="7z", szexe=None, selective=False): """ Verify specific archive files in a given folder. :param filepath: Working directory. Required. :type filepath: str :param method: Compression type. Default is "7z". Defined in source. :type method: str :param szexe: Path to 7z executable, if needed. :type szexe: str :param selective: Only verify autoloaders. Default is false. :type selective: bool """ method = filter_method(method, szexe) files = compressfilter(filepath, selective) for file in files: decide_verifier(file, szexe)
[docs]def compress_config_loader(homepath=None): """ Read a ConfigParser file to get compression preferences. :param homepath: Folder containing ini file. Default is user directory. :type homepath: str """ compini = iniconfig.generic_loader('compression', homepath) method = compini.get('method', fallback="7z") if not utilities.new_enough(3) and method == "txz": method = "zip" # for 3.2 compatibility return method
[docs]def compress_config_writer(method=None, homepath=None): """ Write a ConfigParser file to store compression preferences. :param method: Method to use. :type method: str :param homepath: Folder containing ini file. Default is user directory. :type homepath: str """ method = compress_config_loader() if method is None else method results = {"method": method} iniconfig.generic_writer("compression", results, homepath)
[docs]def verify_android_tools(tooldir): """ Verify Android SDK platform tools archives. :param tooldir: Directory containing platform tools zips. :type tooldir: str """ zipver = [zip_verify(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(tooldir), x)) for x in os.listdir(os.path.abspath(tooldir)) if x.endswith(".zip")] sentinel = True if zipver == [True, True, True] else False # all OK return sentinel
[docs]def extract_zip(infile, outpath): """ Extract a zip file to a given output path. :param infile: Path to input zip file. :type infile: str :param outpath: Path to extract input zip to. :type outpath: str """ zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(infile) zipf.extractall(outpath)
[docs]def extract_android_tools(tooldir): """ Extract Android SDK platform tools archives. :param tooldir: Directory containing platform tools zips. :type tooldir: str """ plats = [x for x in os.listdir(os.path.abspath(tooldir)) if x.endswith(".zip")] for zipx in plats: platform = os.path.basename(zipx).replace("platform-tools-latest-", "").replace(".zip", "") platdir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(tooldir), platform) os.makedirs(platdir) extract_zip(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(tooldir), zipx), platdir)
@decorators.timer def pack_tclloader(dirname, filename): """ Compress Android autoloader folder. :param dirname: Target folder. :type dirname: str :param filename: File title, without extension. :type filename: str """ if utilities.prep_seven_zip(): strength = calculate_strength() sevenziputils.pack_tclloader_sz(dirname, filename, strength) else: pack_tclloader_zip(dirname, filename)
[docs]def pack_tclloader_zip(dirname, filename): """ Compress Android autoloader folder into a zip file. :param dirname: Target folder. :type dirname: str :param filename: File title, without extension. :type filename: str """ zipf = "{0}.zip".format(filename) with zipfile.ZipFile(zipf, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=True) as zfile: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirname): del dirs for file in files: print("ZIPPING: {0}".format(utilities.stripper(file))) abs_filename = os.path.join(root, file) abs_arcname = abs_filename.replace("{0}{1}".format(dirname, os.sep), "") zfile.write(abs_filename, abs_arcname)